In Ufa the director from Saint Petersburg puts the performance "Three Sisters"

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Ufa, 14 Feb, 2017. /IA "Bashinform", Aralbaeva Leila/.

B Ufa the National youth theater of M. Karim puts the performance "Three Sisters" according to the play of Chekhov. For statement to Ufa from Saint Petersburg there arrived the known theatrical director Zubzhitskaya Irina . On February 8 the Russian troupe of theater started rehearsals.

It not Zubzhitskaya Irina in Ufa. In 2012 it put the drama "Thunder-storm" on the stage of Youth theater according to the play Ostrovsky Alexander. Performance got love of Ufa residents and till today enjoys popularity.

"The performance "Three Sisters" will ideally fit into repertoire of Youth theater. It is super-topical classics which opens all drama of life on the example of one family. We are glad that Zubzhitskaya Irina chose this play for statement" — the art director of NMT RB of M. Karim Kulbaev Musalim speaks.

In performance involved nearly a half of the Russian troupe of theater: Ganichev Andrey, Yarmeeva Karina, Nikolaeva Lada, Bronnikova Svetlana, Abrarova Julia, Malikov Azat, Nurislamov Salavat, Lopatin Eugenie, Akhmetvaliev Linar, Dmitry and Elina Gusev, Kurbangaleev Marat, Apraksina Marina. Also actors of the Bashkir troupe Klysov Vadim and Ramzil Salmanov. For work on scenography Andreeva Catherina (Kirov), the composer — Tonkovidov Vasilii (Samara), the choreographer — Rodionov Alexander is invited the art director.

of the Prime minister it is appointed to April 8 and 9.

Leila Aralbaeva
Linar Akhmetvaliev
Last position: Actor (Gbukiya NMT RB named after M. Karima)
Zubzhitskaya Irina
Ostrovsky Alexander