In South Korea because of "bird flu" destroyed more than 33 million heads of a bird

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destroyed More than 33 million heads of poultry in South Korea after the beginning in November of last year of "bird flu" epidemic. About it reported today in the ministry of rural and sea farms of the republic, making comments on a situation on epidemic.

In department noted that it is the record scale of a loss to which it was necessary to go. During the similar outbreak of an infection in 2014 nearly 14 million heads were killed.

Experts recognize that despite their efforts "bird flu" again and again comes back to South Korea for what blame first of all migratory birds. The outbreak of an infection happened on November 16 last year on a farm in County of Haenam that in 420 km to the southwest from Seoul. As a result epidemic captured 340 farms. At the beginning of this month the authorities of South Korea was breathed sigh of relief, having coped with epidemic, but a few days ago in Kimchzhe the new center of bird flu was recorded.

In parallel in South Korea distribution and a foot-and-mouth disease already among cattle began p . The first center was in Poyna (Northern Chuncheon), then the additional centers appeared in Chonyp (Province of North Jeolla) and Yonchkhone (province Kyongi).

Government Republic of Korea declared that will try to compensate partially at least damage to the farms which have injured from epidemic. For these needs it is planned to allocate about 230 million dollars that several times it is more, than in 2014. However, on places note that these compensations hardly will suffice. A number of local administrations already addressed to Seoul with a request to increase the amount of possible payments.