Expert: Ensuring carrying out fair elections - the most important element in electoral process

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Expert: Ensuring carrying out fair elections - the most important element in electoral process

of Arminfo . Work of observers at the upcoming parliamentary elections and the organization of fair elections - it is very important. It in Yerevan on action was declared on February 10 by the international expert in the solution of selective disputes Khardin John Young.

It expressed belief that ensuring carrying out fair elections

- the most important element in all electoral process. - the expert questioned.

Young also considers that, despite the difficult formulations which have found a place in the new Electoral code, process of vote is simple.

place resolved all issues arising during vote. In this process not less important role is played by observers and mass media which have to carry out a role. Armenia passed rather difficult way and the Electoral code over time is corrected>, - the expert told.

At the same time it emphasized that counting of votes has to reflect will of the people. - Young summarized.

we Will note p that action was organized with assistance of the Central Election Commission of RA and embassy United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Armenia.