Moscow reached the final of an award of the Forum of the "clever" cities of the world

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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Moscow entered in top-7 the "clever" cities and areas. It is important doubly as for the last 14 years the Russian cities did not get at all to this rating. As reported official a portal the mayor and Moscow Government, the winner becomes known in June.

the List of finalists was declared by div in finishing day passing in Tayvan a forum of The Internet of Cities Forum. Representatives got to number of "cleverest" Australia, Canada, Tayvan (on two cities from each country) and Russian Federation.

the International experts paid attention to capital science and technology parks and technopolises, the education system uniting schools, colleges, universities and the research institutes, the second in the world on number of points of access the Wi-fi network, system of public referenda and votes, and also transport reform. I Will remind p to

, the cities and regions of the countries estimated on a number of criteria - to level of Internet access, availability of the higher education, policy of encouragement of startups, interactivity of city portals and another. The attention was paid also how new infrastructure is adapted for modern economic realities. Besides, population density and a geographical position that allows to compare the large and small cities on different continents is considered.

B 2016 the seven of "clever" entered Xinzhu's Taiwan Hsinchu County and New Taipei, Canadian County of Surrey, Winnipeg and Montreal, German Mulheim and New Zealand Uonganui.


Premiya of a forum of the clever cities is handed over since 2002. Among those who was marked out by it, Eindhoven (Netherlands), Stockholm (Sweden), Singapore, New York (United States of America), Seoul (South Korea), Glazgo (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), Toronto (Canada).