To Republic of Bashkortostan marriages till 16 years will be accurately regulated

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To Republic of Bashkortostan marriages till 16 years will be accurately regulated by the Photo:

Ufa, 9 Feb, 2017. /IA "Bashinform", Akulova Gulfiya/.

B Ufa, at last meeting of Committee of the State Meeting — State Assembly – Kurultai Republic of Bashkortostan on health care, social policy and affairs of veterans deputies considered amendments to the bill "About Modification of Separate Acts of Republic of Bashkortostan". Let's remind, the bill was submitted for consideration in 2015 the prosecutor of the region and directed on implementation of article 13 Federal law of the Russian Federation of 29 December 1995 No. 223-FZ "On the Family Code of the Russian Federation" which allows in exceptional cases marriage before achievement of age of 16 years. the republics of change of the law Offered by the Prosecutor are directed to p by

on that the lower limit bound of age of consent from 14 to 15 years, and also an order of this procedure was legislatively designated. The law accurately defines the list of special circumstances is a pregnancy or the birth of the child. Other reasons, for example, "actually developed relations" are allowed also. Also the project provides obligatory participation of representatives of bodies of guardianship and guardianship and investigating authorities in the solution of a question on possibility of cohabitation of minors and adoption of this decision by the State committee Republic of Bashkortostan for justice.

"According to the Family code, in Republic of Bashkortostan possibility of marriage of the persons which have not reached 16-year age, exists since 1996. In a year is registered from 10 before 20 such marriages. Such social phenomenon in the region occurs, and we need to settle it — the senior assistant prosecutor of RB Ismagilov Ruslan noted. — So far the order of commission of this procedure was not established. The concept of the bill offers to order marriage procedure. The republic executive authority agrees to a marriage on the basis of an inspection carried out by guardianship and guardianship body and in the presence of only two conditions — pregnancies and the births of the child. Bill innovation only in it. The law does not reduce and does not establish age of consent, and only regulates marriage procedure till 16 years. I am sure that with adoption of law of marriages between the persons which have not reached 16-year age, becomes less. Already there is a tendency to decrease in early marriages — in their last year was 14".

"Deputies submitted p for consideration of the amendment to the bill, one of them concerned issue of the conclusions regarding possibility of marriage till 16 years psikhologo - the medico-pedagogical commission (PMPK). However questions of activity of the commissions are settled by the federal law on education. Besides, in competence PMPK issue of the conclusions and examinations in this part is not referred. Also amendments offered as the basis for refusal in marriage to establish restriction existence in capacity. Meanwhile, according to the Civil code, civil capacity arises in full only from 18 years. And then in principle persons under 18 cannot get married. This amendment is not correct and among others is rejected by Government RB" — the Plenipotentiary of RB in the State Meeting — Kurultai of the republic Likhachev Alexander added.

"From the moment of the beginning of work on the bill, we said that we will not begin to force its acceptance and we will look for optimum arranging different parties formats, – the Chairman of the parliament of the republic Tolkachev Konstantin commented. – Unfortunately, time did not solve this problem, it keeps the relevance. We want it or not, but young people continue to enter the relations, sometimes, in my opinion, too early. As a result, pregnancy, birth of children. Discussions on various platforms go more than a year, it is time to return to the solution of this question and to find the compromise solution. Especially as during numerous consultations options which arrange both the public, and law enforcement agencies and guardianship bodies were discussed. I think, one of the offers stated by the public – change of age of marriage from 14 to 15 years — deserves support".

we Will add p that similar laws are already adopted in 22 subjects Russian Federation, including in the Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod areas, Republic of Tatarstan.

Konstantin Borisovich Tolkachev
Last position: Chairman (State Assembly – Kurultai Republic of Bashkortostan)
Alexander Likhachev
Last position: Plenipotentiary of the Government of RB (State Assembly – Kurultai Republic of Bashkortostan)
Akulova Gulfiya
Ismagilov Ruslan