Positions of the expert, SZhR and business newspaper "Vzglyad" are not heard by board according to complaints to the press

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) published on the official site the decision on the statement Biryukov Igor to edition of information agency "Vzglyad-info". Balayan Helena became p> to

the Subject of trial of independent arbitration and Bakhteev Ramil "They went down..." of November 5, 2016 with a subtitle " Interrogation Kolobrodov Aleksey in court turned into an exposure session "OHM " .

One of heroes of a material became Biryukov Igor - the leader feykovy "labor union of journalists", received popularity thanks to the offensive statements to editors and employees of the Saratov mass media and to aggressive behavior on trial on criminal case about slander of the worker of "OHMS" Vilkov Sergei .

B "They went down..." concrete examples of provocative acts are presented and in an ironic form the reputation Biryukov Igor is generalized.

"In a smoking-room in a break in this respect joked that the known Saratov gigolo, in combination the chairman of "labor union of journalists", the wife did not start up in court Biryukova Catherina , the head of the Saratov office Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) whose the six-million salary allows the spouse not to work and go officially anywhere every week to court as the free listener. Many had an impression that the only purpose of its weekly idle presence in court was to destabilize work of the lawyer of the victim, the known jurist and the teacher of SGYuA Kholodenko Valeria which throughout all meetings tirelessly photographed Biryukov Igor excited questions of homosexual property... before the self-proclaimed defender of journalists (Biryukov Igor day did not work in journalism) managed to offend and squabble in social networks almost with all Saratov journalists..." , - in particular, it is spoken in the reporting.

These fragments were challenged by the applicant in the complaint sent to board on November 10 of last year.

the Editor-in-chief of our Lykov Nicholas prepared the developed and reasoned answer (it is available to HERE ), confirming stated in "They went down..." also expressed readiness to take part in permission of information dispute.

For example, references to declarations on the official income of a couple of Biryukov, the letter Kholodenko Valeria in Lawyer chamber with the story detailed and supported with audio recordings about behavior Biryukova Catherina in court, screenshots of public pages in FB of editors-in-chief of the Saratov Nalimova Helena , Ivanova Helena , etc. (exactly there "the chairman of labor union" distributes pejorative and offensive characteristics to many local journalists). Data were provided as additional proofs that "labor union" Biryukova Catherina is not registered anywhere, given in the EGRYuL base about it is not present.


the chairman of the Saratov regional office of "Soyuz zhurnalistov Russia", "SZHR" also Lidiya Zlatogorskaya which the author of the complaint unsubstantially accused of participation in writing and a material exit.

the Head of SZhR notes the following: "In fact is unimportant, what surnames now appear in quality of applicants – groups of "OHMS" or certain Biryukov Igor. These are people of one organization, one belief. I consider myself has no right to give legitimacy to such phantom phenomenon in our community, as existence of a certain labor union of workers of the mass media, the headed Biryukov I. Ye.. On the substance of the events in our journalistic community I addressed from a tribune of Congress of SZhR: the tretirovaniye of regional office proceeds, and anybody did not protect us really".

at the request of the chairman of Kazakov Youri research of the text of the reporting was conducted by the manager of chair of journalism of Institute of social and philosophical sciences and mass communications FGAOU IN "KAZANSKY (PRIVOLZHSKY) FEDERAL UNIVERSITY", FGAOU IN KFU, KFU, KAZANSKIY FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, KAZAN UNIVERSITY, KAZAN (VOLGA) FEDERAL UNIVERSITY Shaykhitdinova Svetlana.

the Scientist-expert prepared the conclusion in which it is specified : "In the journalistic judicial reporting devoted to a hot socially significant topic of corruption by mass media (in article it is spoken about receiving by Kolobrodov Aleksey large sums of money from politicians - the Bus) is not revealed slander, insults, hints of xenophobic character, information assuming need of honor and dignity protection of the personality, and also business reputation of persons and the organizations".

Developing thought, the researcher emphasizes: "Does not contain the reporting... information which discredits a reputation of the applicant and a reputation of his relatives".

Professor Shaykhitdinova Svetlana studied also a content of "OHMS" Kolobrodov Aleksey: "Mediaresurs "Public opinion" (represents a site on which publications on public subject (mainly on behalf of bloggers) and criminal news on Saratov region alternately move. The analysis of the agenda and nature of disclosure of subjects testifies that the resource is not journalistic". All materials concerning the complaint are available on to the REFERENCE .

the Board considered information dispute on January 19. In meeting participated: the vice-chairman of Chamber of media audience Kazakov Youri (chairman), members of Chamber of media community Aslamazyan Manana , Kopeyka Alexander , Purgin Youri (on Skype), Reznik Boris , Simonov Aleksey , members of Chamber of media audience Autonomov Aleksey, Andreeva Tatyana, Kannabikh Maria, Oreshkin Dimitri, Reznik Henry, Tomchin Grigory .

For discussion to Moscow there arrived the author of the complaint. "Soyuz zhurnalistov Russia", "SZHR" was represented by the secretary of the organization, the publisher of "the Bell of Russia" and "Fourth estate" Rogozhin Vadim . Lykov Nicholas took part by means of Skype.

Conversation proceeded about two hours. Members of board found out that is "labor union" Biryukova Catherina . Interest lack of the formalized membership, registration, practice of the conclusion of collective agreements, a representation problem (small number of participants and mass media) caused, the fact of collecting contributions without documentary account, indistinct formulations of the purposes and "organization" tasks, etc. what our audience and readers can judge on meeting video.


Said and about style of public network behavior of the applicant that is predictable caused in it irritation. "Have conscience! " - Biryukov Igor with voices raised called, addressing to the famous journalist, the member of board Reznik Boris. whether


After specifying questions of arbitration "Are claimed by you, what Lvovich Boris has no conscience?" Biryukova Catherina it was necessary to apologize.

When it started asking about in what harm of business reputation was expressed, the applicant, in particular, told about negative perception of the challenged reporting "certain girlfriends of the wife".

Lykov Nicholas too set not less pressing questions: about relevance of phrases about "boor", an admissibility of hints on sexual orientation, a consent with estimated judgments of authors of article, a publication genre, observance of standards of journalistic ethics (see video).

Despite proofs and the arguments stated by information agency "Vzglyad-info" in a response on the complaint and during meeting on January 19, and also expert research of one of the most authoritative experts in the field of linguistics, professors-philologists Shaykhitdinova Svetlana and a position of SZhR, jury made the decision which hardly can satisfy staff of agency.

the Board considered that edition "settled scores" with Biryukov Igor, allowed an exit "for borders admissible" in polemic with the opponent, and also explained that expression use "gigolo", in relation to the man, the family member (regardless of the size of the income of each of spouses) is ethically inadmissible.

"Owing to definiteness of the authorized competence, the Board leaves without relationship consideration as between information information agency "Vzglyad-info" and the network edition "Public opinion", and between the Saratov regional office of "Soyuz zhurnalistov Russia", "SZHR" and regional public organization "Saratov Regional Labor Union of Workers of Mass Media"... Biryukov as considers the last as the individual, instead of the journalist, not the representative of media community and not the media person", - are emphasized by members of board.

Making comments on the decision, Lykov Nicholas noted the following:

"Recognizing authority of independent arbitration and respecting its decision, I believe that the board allowed an error in a choice of methodology of consideration and treatment of parcels of information dispute. In my opinion, it is wrong to see only the conflict between the individual and separate edition as it leads to excess formalization, misunderstanding and narrowing of a context of a situation in which some years Saratov region subjects of political and media processes are involved. Attracts attention and that circumstance that the applicant during two-hour meeting of board could not decide on the sufficient accuracy and clarity as whom he was present at a court session and arbitration meeting – the individual or the representative of public organization. It is convinced that restriction of a subject of discussion with concrete personal history, without analysis of a goal-setting of the author of the complaint and his support groups, does not promote formation of the weighed position of the professional journalistic community excluding risks of a manipulation by public opinion and reputation damage to mass media. Means - contradictions in the Saratov journalistic environment will go deep that, actually, and those whom I and vast majority of my colleagues consider as ordinary provokers achieve. Shaykhitdinova Svetlana, a response of the chairman of office of SZhR Zlatogorskaya Lydia, performance Rogozhin Vadim, whose arguments in the expert opinion, unfortunately, there were indifferently boards".