Belokrinkin Nicholas: budgets Sochi and Pyeongchang on the Olympic Games is the sky and the earth

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the Sport manager of the organizing committee the Olympic Games of 2018 in Pyeongchang , the chief of the alpine skiing track in high-speed disciplines Belokrinkin Nicholas in interview to the correspondent of Sport News Agency "R-Sport" told about specifics of the route, work in South Korea and the preolympic Gangneung where he lives two years.

- Belokrinkin Nicholas, Pyeongchang conducts a countdown to days before the Olympic Games. Very soon there will be exactly a year before Games. You as the inhabitant Gangneung feel, what the city is going to meet Games?

- the City changes, they do more recreational zones which and before, in principle, was much, it is a lot of beautiful parks. But I as the person occupied on preparation of object, yet do not feel that business approaches the Olympic Games. For me all events around first of all belong to routine work.

- That is the preolympic mood is not present p?

- After Sochi - no.

- Also will not be?

- during competitions, probably, will appear. In the course of preparation - no.

- Who are you by training?

- I finished Physics and Technology faculty.

- you after all from a sports family as it is poluchilos?

© the Photo: from personal archive
Belokrinkin Nicholas. In sports then there was no a lot of money as now, my family made the decision that I have to go to study.

- Are happy with this decision years later?

- Certainly. Physics and Technology faculty is a certain mentality which helps me to survive here (laughs).

- you spoke as p at mountain skiing competitions?

- Successful performances at me were not. Acted only till 16 years, then went to study.

- Now skis ride?

- And it too work for me. Unfortunately, I do not derive pleasure from it at present time (laughs).

- Then a question: how to you here it is worked?

- It is and worked here not so simply. It is clear that it not as to Sochi. It was the serious step - to arrive here together with a family. At me here the daughter was born. Certainly, any time there was an adaptation process. Now, when already there is an understanding that, where and as, it became simpler. Here met halfway, allowed to bring the personnel because in South Korea there is not a lot of professional mountain skiers as at us.

- Long adapted for new conditions in work?

- Began practically from the first day. Before visit of the commission there was not enough time, it was necessary to process the mass of documents that visit of FIS took place very well. Worked till midnight that to shovel all this, and during this time we got used. Here understood that I work for them and by sight sports, for athletes.

of Game after Sochi, even would tell that they copy Vancouver rather. They have similar budgets. Pyeongchang would not extend the budget Sochi, besides we built all infrastructure from scratch, and at them a certain infrastructure already existed. So budgets Sochi and Pyeongchang is the sky and the earth. But if to Sochi in "the Rose the Farm" 78 kilometers of routes were constructed, it is a lot of elevators, here only one elevator and two routes - only for holding the Olympic Games.

© information agency "RIA Novosti". Zotina Nina <= "http://visualrian" """ """ """ """ """ """ """ ""> to Pass with a href into photobank
the Winter season opened in a ski resort of "Rosa Khutor" to Sochi, one in one. Water at us passes the same processing, and on sliding it same what was there. We train him too in the same way. The builder and the designer of the route the same, as to Sochi. This is Russi Bernard - the well-known mountain skier, the Olympic champion. Concept and route philosophy same. But to Sochi we built the big resort, and here object is completely focused on sports. It absolutely another. To Sochi at us were big problems with the snow, here all snow artificial, made by snowmaking system, and in this plan it is simpler to plan, less people need to be carried to work. But the concept, I will repeat, identical.
© information agency "Agence France-Presse" 2017/STAFF
the Swiss mountain skier Russi Bernard at us were big flat places and couple key on the man's route because of which you can lose, and here all route such. Here the relief dictates to you and speed on turns, and approaches to jumps. If to Sochi was flexibility any, here all already, than to Sochi, and approaches to jumps all monotonous. At us even man's and female routes will be very similar, it will be simple a distance between gate different according to rules.

- At what stage of readiness now this Olympic facility?

- If to speak about the route, everything is made practically for 100%. If to take infrastructure around, this place lags behind approximately for two years on readiness from Sochi. Hotels only are under construction, the base flows. There will be two hotels on 300 rooms, and on it, in principle, all. Here are going to close this resort after the Olympic Games, to transfer it back to the nature.

© information agency "Agence France-Presse" 2017/JUNG Yeon-Je
the Snow sculptures devoted to the winter Olympic Games of 2018 in Pkhenchkhane

- Regret?

- it is unconditional, after all so many forces and time are put.

- But after all there are prospects to make here a full-fledged resort zone?

- Simply improbable. I, to tell the truth, I doubt that all of them will close this business. It seems to me that the concern which builds here hotel, will continue to operate this object anyway.

- the Last question and the most important - to our athletes this route suits p?

- Understand, we have top athletes, but in technical types. By long types we have perspective children. I think that if we will be in top-30, for us it will be already good result.

- If Russians will not allow before participation in Games, will start missing?

- I to you so will tell strong to p - Russians already will be at the Olympic Games (laughs).