History and archeology: "Marsh people": 10 ancient bodies found in peat bogs

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Tollundsky peat person.

Tollundsky peat person.

Archeology – science interesting and sometimes unpredictable. The history knows cases when in peat bogs found bodies of ancient people. As a rule, in such cases first of all called the police, but often it appeared that the age of a find made some centuries. Tannic properties of peat and low water temperature promote excellent preservation. In this review of "celebrity" among such marsh bodies which are of special interest for science. .

1. The person from Lingdou

the Peat person from Lingdou.

To United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in one of peat bogs, found the mummified body of the 25-year-old person which has lain in a bog since 20-90 AD. With this person finished very cruelly. The wounds put to it, most likely, indicate ritual nature of murder.

U it broke a skull, the throat is cut, the rib and a neck on which the thin leather rope remained are broken. Contents of his stomach represented mix of fried grains of cereals and traces of a plant of the mistletoe which is considered at druids of the sacred.

2. The person from Cashel

the Peat person from Cashel.

Recently, in 2011, suppliers of peat to Ireland found the body, which age of 4000 years. This person violent death as he broke a backbone, a hand died and there is a set of wounds on a back. Probably, this person was a king, and his death was result of sacrifice.

the Irish kings were allocated with the special power through ritual marriage with the goddess of Earth for protection of people and the territory of their accommodation. And if there were any disasters, was considered that marriage was unsuccessful, and kings were sacrificed to gods.

3. The person from Old Krogana

the Peat person from Old Krogana.

of the People which mummified body was found in 2003 to Ireland about Holm Krogan, died between 362 and 175 BC. The cut-out nipples on his body with a big share of probability testify that he was the overthrown governor. Celts as a sign of expression of humility kissed nipples of the kings. And if it happened so that the governor overthrew, his nipples also cut out.

the Body of a mummy kept traces of tortures. It was pinned up by a knife then a body decapitated and split into two parts. His hands are pulled together together with the help of thin branches of the hazel grove pushed in through openings of forearms. The analysis of the remains of food from his stomach indicates possible ritual character of its rather modest agonal meal consisting of porridge with oil.

4. Tollundsky person

Tollundsky peat person.

Tollundsky peat person.

B 1950 in peat bogs Denmark found the human mummy which age made about 350 years. On very well remained head the hat from a sheepskin, and on a neck - a rope is dressed. The carried-out analysis of the food which has remained in a stomach, showed that it represented soup from mix of cereals and sporysha. And it, most likely, testifies to ritual character of its agonal meal.

5. The woman from the Shed

the Peat woman from the Shed.

At this mummy of the 25-year-old woman who has lain in bogs Denmark approximately with 280 g BC, only the part of a body (back) and the hair issued in quite difficult hairdress not bad remained. The trace found on a neck from a cord, specifies that it was hung up.

From clothes on it the cape reaching hips, very accurately sewed of 4 pieces of a sheepskin remained only. Its other clothes, probably, decayed. Probably, the woman was killed for bringing in the victim.

6. The person from Groboll

the Peat person from Groboll.

To Denmark from a peat bog took the human body which very well has remained though it lay in a bog approximately since 290. Age of the victim about 30 years. On fingers of his hands nails, on the head – a bush of hair well remained.

From clothes in an integrity and safety remained only a cap and a belt. This person in the beginning killed, having cut him a throat from one ear to another, and then drowned in a bog. In his stomach generally there were grains and seeds.

7. The woman from Haraldsker

the Peat woman from Haraldsker.

the remained body of the 50-year-old woman from the 5th century BC, the small growth, about 150 cm is good, found in one of bogs Denmark in 1835. In the beginning believed that it was Guinkhelda, the queen Norway which, on a legend, drowned in the bog by order of the king. However, further this version was not confirmed. The trace from the rope, remained on her neck, testifies that it also was sacrificed.

8. The teenager from Vindebi

the Peat teenager from Vindebi.

in the north Germany was found div the mummified body of the 14-year-old teenager living between 41 and 118 AD. In the beginning because of thin skeletal bones believed that the body belonged to the girl, however, further came to a conclusion that it after all was the boy. The obvious signs indicating a cause of death, it is not found. However the x-ray analysis revealed on bones of his shins the defects, saying that the boy suffered during lifetime from exhaustion which led to growth violation. Probably, he also died of hunger.

9. The person from Boksten

the Peat person from Boksten.

B 1936 on the western coast Sweden from a bog was taken by div a body of the person, which date of burial while quite indistinct - from 1290 to 1430. Judging by clothes, footwear and accessories, it there was quite rich person with the high social status. Probably, it was either the collector of taxes, or the recruiter of soldiers. On the head of it traces of several blows - in a jaw, the right ear, and in a nape when it already was on the earth are visible. This last blow also was for it deadly.

10. The person from Detgen

the Peat person from Detgen.

B 1959 the beaten and decapitated body of the 30-year-old person was revealed in the bog about Detgen, Germany. His head was in 3 meters from a body. Decapitated a body after death therefore it is considered that the person could not be the ritual victim. Probably, of it so were afraid that took additional measures to prevent its return after death in the form of a ghost or the zombie.