Vegetable deficiency to United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: it is no more than three heads of cabbage of salad in hands

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the British network of the Tesco supermarkets entered rated sale of salad lettuce — no more than three heads of cabbage for one visit, having explained it is bad weather conditions in Europe.

Photo: Reuters led to problems with deliveries of vegetables and that their European partners try to solve the arisen problems.

Other network, Morrisons, also entered restrictions on sale of kochanny salad and broccoli, the newspaper to tabloid "The Daily Mail" .

last month in food shops.

Buyers publish p in social networks of the photo of empty shelves in Tesco shops, and also inscriptions with a request to take no more certain quantity of heads of cabbage of salad.

"To provide availability of [salad] to all buyers, we limit sale of heads of cabbage to three on one person. We apologize for the delivered inconveniences" — one of inscriptions says.


with a crop

according to the press secretary of a network of the Tesco supermarkets, without introduction of restrictions many shops remain without certain types of vegetables.

according to the representative of the Morrisons network, it is necessary to normalize sale of vegetables that owners of restaurants and small shops did not buy up everything in bulk.

"Because of a small harvest to Spain the beginning of this year was given very difficult, deliveries hardly suffice to provide our buyers" — he speaks.

Diter Lloyd from the British association of producers of sheet salads told p BBC News that floods to Spain before Christmas nullified a crop of vegetables, and new crops do not grow because of soil remoistening.


In addition in January were struck by frosts that only worsened situation.

by words Diter Lloyd, the lettuce on shelves of the British supermarkets, most likely, is brought from State of California, instead of from Europe.

Usually 90% of deliveries of this vegetable went to Europe in the southeast of the country.

this year to gorod Mursiya landings of pepper and eggplants seriously suffered from the strongest in 30 years of pouring rains also.

"Difficult period"

"With problem salad the seventh week, somewhere six-eight weeks goes nothing from Spain," — Diter Lloyd explains.

"Our supplier brings now [salad] "iceberg" from America that, certainly, is more expensive. Now the difficult period," — he speaks.

of Delivery of other vegetables from Europe, including eggplants, tomatoes, broccoli and paprika, too fall.

the Spanish association of producers and exporters of fruit and FEPEX vegetables declared recently that deficiency of sheet vegetables, including salad and spinach, will proceed prior to the beginning of April.

Crops of these cultures on everything to EU fell approximately to 40%, declared in association, having warned that return of vegetables to the market will depend on weather in Southern Europe during the period from February to March.

Unsuitable fields

During the winter period the Spanish gorod Mursiya delivers to p about 80% of fresh salad and greens for the European market.

However after in the region the most plentiful rains for the last 30 years dropped out, only 30% of agricultural fields gorod Mursiya are suitable for use.

Deficiency, first of all, affected to United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland where the share of import vegetables in the market is estimated at 50%, and fruit — in 90%.