"Red Bullz" sent Lampard to pension to humiliating videos with probrosy a ball between feet

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"New York Red Bullz" peculiar congratulated the former halfback "New York City" Frank Lampard on the end of career, having published video from a match of MLS on which the forward of "bulls" Mike Grella beats the Englishman, prokidyvy to that a ball between feet.

To record were applied the signature "Farewell" and heshteg "New York – red".

  • On Thursday the ex-player "Vest Ham", "Chelsea", "Manchester City", "New York City" and combined England Lampard declared completion of career .
  • Opposition of two teams from New York totals li 2 years.
Lempard Frenki
Football club "New York Red Bullz"
Main activity:Culture and sports
Football club "Vest Khem United"
Main activity:Culture and sports
FC "Manchester City"
Main activity:Culture and sports
"State of New York City"