The supporter Tsarukyan Gagik does not exclude association with the block Oganyan Seyran

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Gagik Tsarukyan

of Arminfo . On Sunday of Prosperous Armenia Party, the Social Democratic Party "Gnchakyan", Ramkavar-Azatakan party, the Armenian national movement and the movement "Unification" will sign the memorandum of block creation. About it in conversation with the correspondent Arminfo, Vardanyan Arman declared responsible for questions of promotion of the Tsarukyan block.

"The head and a basis of the block, however the block is not consolidation round the personality is an ideological association", - he noted. Thus, according to him the block is called in honor of Tsarukyan Gagik as carried out porosy showed that citizens of the country connect the future with his personality." It was against it, however we insisted on this name that each citizen of the country, even in the most remote village knew, what block is united by Tsarukyan Gagik", - he emphasized, having added that after creation of this platform other political forces also can join the block.

Vardanyan Arman also added that with the ex-Minister of Defence Oganyan Seyran consulting meetings were held. "However a question in definition of a stage of cooperation. All share our position about need of consolidation and need of carrying out reforms by joint efforts, and at what stage it will occur, is a technical question", - he emphasized. Thus it did not exclude that at any stage there will be combinations of blocks Tsarukyan Gagik and Oganyan Seyran ". Association both in one block, and round searches of a common ground after elections", - was emphasized by him, without having excluded possibility of coalition management.

we Will note p that on February 3 the party member Urikhanyan Tigran declared participation in parliamentary elections as a part of the block. According to Arminfo the proportional list will enter also the leader of AOD Zarubyan Ararat and the ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs Arzumanyan Alexander, chapters gnchakov and ramkavarov Galstyan Narek and Avetikyan Akop, from Urikhanyan Tigran, deputies from led by Zograbyan Naira. According to the rating list will stand - Ovannisyan Sergei, the ex-mayor Gyumri Gukasyan Vardan, - repeatedly judged former republican deputy Akopyan Akop, - the former infamous deputy Zograbyan Zorik, the ex-head of the Yerevan community Arabkir Shaginyan Ovik, the son of the deputy Sedrakyan Mger (Tokhmakhi Sedrakyan Mger) - David, and also the son-in-law Tsarukyan Gagik - the mayor Artashata Abramyan Argam.

In the block Oganyan Seyran united parties of the ex-head Ministry foreign affairs of Republic of Armenia Oskanyan Vardan, the ex-deputy head of the Office of the President Dallakyan Victor, Democratic party, People's party led by Karapetyan Tigran and Ayrikyan Paruyr "National self-determination". As the leader of Democratic party declared Sarkisyan Aram, the proportional list of the block will be headed by Oganyan Seyran.