The governor Tambov region Alexander Nikitin visited a corrective colony No. 3 Administration office Federal Penitentiary Service on Tambov region

@FSIN Rossii
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During working visit the governor Tambov region Alexander Nikitin visited IK-3 Administration office Federal Penitentiary Service on Tambov region. It checked household conditions of the maintenance of the condemned. Visit of establishment took place in escort of the chief Administration office Federal Penitentiary Service on Tambov region Alexander Fedorov. The visit purpose - acquaintance to conditions of the maintenance of prisoners and survey of industrial complex.

Check of activity of a corrective colony the governor Tambov region began p with visit of production sites of establishment and an assessment of quality of products. In spite of the fact that it was the first visit of the head of the region to division of UIS of area, he noticed that the colony develops and equips with modern conveniences. According to the chief of regional UFSIN, much attention is now paid to creation of worthy social conditions for employees and condemned. The governor Alexander Nikitin examined production which make in the territory of the Tambov colonies. Besides, the governor together with the chief of UFSIN Fedorov Alexander made round of the production zone IK-3, visited a sewing site, a bakery, printing house, a woodworking site.

- I think that we in return will draw up the work plan. And we will connect different managements of Administration of Tambov region, the governor told Tambov region.

- We make construction materials, a metalwork, sewing, agricultural products. We are ready to expand the range if there are orders, - Fedorov Alexander noted.

Alexander Nikitin promised p to render assistance in development of production sector of UIS of the region, having noted that in correctional facilities the quality goods are made.





The press service Administration office Federal Penitentiary Service on Tambov region