Composed success

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One of its components in "Vanguard" became new equipment

– Consigned to the past times when peasants conducted production by outdated methods, – the director general emphasizes LLC "AVANGARD" Georgy Svid. – Now, to increase profitability, to provide efficiency growth, it is necessary to modernize production in all branches of agrarian and industrial complex. Innovations become the most important factor of successful development of any enterprise, including agrarian.

the Address help

herd Reproduction, health of cows are main issues in animal husbandry. The package of measures is carried out to LLC "AVANGARD" for the solution of these tasks. Introduction of the special computer program became one of them. While it works at a complex No. 5. The little more than a month experts master the program, but already draw conclusions, mainly positive.

– by means of the program we a lot of things can learn p about a cow, – the deputy chief of a complex No. 5 Dikareva Maria tells. – The special collar which transfers information to the computer is put on an animal. The technician-biologist can see from data that the cow needs insemination. And after all even the skilled expert visually not always can define it. And the new equipment can. to the Veterinarian the program will tell p to

about herd health. There is such concept – a rumination (chewing movements of an animal). If the cow of these movements has less, than 500 at an o'clock, so there are problems. By means of a collar information on a rumination is sent on the computer. And daily.

– Before starting working with the program, we consulted on colleagues from those farms where it is already established, – the chief livestock specialist the selector Bogdanova Nadezhda speaks. – Responses were good.

according to the expert, one of the main pluses of an innovation is the address help to each animal. The veterinarian at planned survey will not always notice a problem cow, and by means of the program he recognizes her for certain. With also there is a probability of more responsible work. After all the specialist in a condition of a cow can define, what preparation is effective and what does not yield expected result.

updating Lessons

On a plate lay mustard seeds: on the one hand sorted, with another – no. Even at once it is clear to the nonspecialist, than they differ.

of the Technician allowing so carefully to sort, it is established on a grain flow in Hirino's office. For a photoseparator even separate "lodge" constructed as the car works at a temperature not below plus of 9 degrees.


– the Sorting car simple in management, – are told by the agronomist Tuzhilin Anatoly. – Under a guard special cameras which instantly react to color of grain are installed, it is possible to tell, see, how an eye of the person. Non-standard at once are eliminated.

– Fotoseparator – the car gentle, – continues the chief agronomist LLC "AVANGARD" Ovsyannikov Victor Nikolaevich. – Therefore to treat her it is necessary carefully, in particular, she is afraid of a dust. Naturally, it is necessary to carry out preprocessing. to

– whether So this sorting equipment in economy is necessary for p?

– the Equipment qualitatively sorts grain. For LLC "AVANGARD" such cultures, as mustard and flax as there are plans to be engaged in realization of their seeds are actual at present. In conversation my interlocutors emphasize p with

, I even would tell, with pride emphasize:

– Fotoseparator Russian, is made in Siberia.

I any more so joyfully add:

– the Idea is thought up by p in the USSR and here it managed to be carried out only now.

Article is published in number 17 (5304) of February 01, 2017
Georgy Svid
Last position: Director general of JSC Avangard
Dikareva Maria
Bogdanova Nadezhda
Tuzhilin Anatoly
Ovsyannikov Victor Nikolaevich