About 50 actors and students participated in competitions chtetsky works in Melikhovo's estate

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© the press service Ministry of Culture of the Moscow region

RIAMO - 30 January. About 50 young actors and students from Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Lithuania took part in competitions chtetsky works in the memorial estate Chekhov Anton "Melikhovo", Ministry cultures of Region is told in the message of the press service.


In a material it is explained that in State independent cultural institution Moscow region "State literary and memorial museum -zapovednik A. P. Chekhova "Melikhovo" took place traditional, already the eighth, international competition chtetsky works of name A.P. Chekhov.

"Belarus , Kazakhstan, Lithuania 50 young actors and students of theatrical higher education institutions from Russian Federation. The holiday came to the end with big gala concert within which there took place an awards ceremony of winners", - is spoken in the message.

the Minister of Culture Moscow region Kosareva Oksana whose are quoted in the message, noted that every year competitions have a certain subject. This time it sounded as "Chekhov Anton – Kazakov Youri Pavlovich". She was chosen not incidentally. In August 90 years since birth Kazakov Youri Pavlovich – the Russian writer whom literary critics of the second half of the last century called one of successors of traditions of domestic classics will be executed.

according to the press service, winners became: the winner of the I degree – Thomas Shechkus (The Lithuanian Academy of music and theater), work "Attack" (Chekhov A. P.); winners of the II degree – Veldina Catherina (Theatre Institute Boris Schukin's name), work "Boring history" (Chekhov A. P.); Pronin Vyacheslav (Theatre Institute Boris Schukin's name), work "Ugly" (Kazakov Yu.).

Winners of the III degree – Moiseeva Valeria (Theatre Institute Boris Schukin's name); Turarbekov Adilet (Kazakh national academy of arts of a name of T.K. Zhurgenov); Titov Yegor (Yaroslavl state theatre Institute), consists in a material.