The four Popov Dimitri became the third on a junior WC on bobsled in Vinterberg

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Moscow, 29 January - Sport News Agency "R-Sport". the Russian bobsledders Popov Dimitri, Kazantsev Andrey, Kardakov Yvan and Mordasov Mikhail became the third in competitions of the fours on junior the World Cup in Vinterberg (Germany).

On Sunday following the results of two attempts Russians showed to p time 1 minute 49,82 seconds. Germans Bennet Bakhmyuller, Gertel Benedict, Sherer Niklas and Tonga Costa Lorenz – 1.49,67 became winners. The second place was taken by other representatives Germany – Khafer Christophe, Michael Salzer, Krents Paul and Markus Reykhle (1.49,74).

two More Russian four - Bredikhin Alexander / Gaytyukevich Rostislav / Sysoev Sergei / Zharovtsev Wladyslaw (1.49,90) and Linyuchev Yvan / Buryakov Pawel / Gnezdilov Nicholas / Samitov Ruslan (1.49,97) - took the fourth and fifth place.

Dmitry Petrovich Popov
Last position: The professional athlete on bobsled
Andrey Aleksandrovich Kazantsev
Last position: The professional athlete on bobsled
Alexander Bredikhin
Last position: The professional athlete on bobsled
Rostislav Gaytyukevich
Last position: The professional athlete on bobsled
Wladyslaw Zharovtsev
Last position: The professional athlete on bobsled