To Turkey with rubles. The national currency Russian Federation will be now in a course in a number of the Turkish hotels

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To Turkey with rubles. The national currency of Russia will be now in a course in a number of the Turkish hotels to the Russian tourists going on rest to Turkey, a number of local hotels will provide the services in cash in rubles, instead of in liras. Besides, when using services the Turkish banks Russians will be able to pay off with rubles also.

" is Now conducted by work between Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia" and Denizbank on introduction of system of payment in rubles in tourism sector. The Russian tourists to Turkey will be able to perform all necessary operations via ATMs, offices banks, Russian rubles as payment will be accepted. Tourists will be able to remove rubles without the commission" — director general told Denizbank Atesh Khakan at opening of the Russian summit of World Tourism Forum.

Let's remind, negotiations on payment by Russians of rest in rubles and as a whole about use of rubles in bilateral trade were conducted since October of last year. And here, the first agreements were reached, transfers information agency "Interfaks".

Khakan Atesh
Last position: CEO, board member (DenizBank)
PJSC Sberbank of Russia
Main activity:Finance
Main activity:Finance