The trainer who has Che. How to love soccer, having lost everything

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Fabio Chelestini
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Unless not shamefully to play information agency "Reuters" , too the Swiss of the Italian origin, but the arbitrator, of course, was not going to cancel the decision. "You understand, what break to us life game? " — asked it Chelestini Fabio which by that moment was 32 years old. The judge only shrugged shoulders.
Something improbable began br at once. The ball after blow from a penalty got to a bar, of Onions finished Chelestini Tony against "Bavaria"! Time went, "Bavaria" even more often remembered the opportunities missed in the first match, and to "Hetafa" died in the last ditch. Until the last minute second time. Germans managed to even the score to an agony.

the Tiny okolomadridsky club raised the head. At the very beginning of an overtime Javier Casquero furiously struck b on a ball because of penalty area limits so that a ball, having hit about one bar, departed almost parallel to the line of gate Kan Oliver and was gone under the second. In a minute Braulio who has come for replacement made with Lucio's approximately the same that will make with Boateng Zherom Messi Leo years later, and did not leave Kan Oliver chances — 3:1. Laudrup Mikael , training to "Hetafa", for the first time smiled. Chelestini Fabio for the first time in 95 minutes believed that the inconceivable victory over "Bavaria" is close.

But youth ghosts came to this moment to the goalkeeper Roberto Abbondansyeri .
"Hetaf" were lost by an overtime of "Bavaria" on June 17, 1989. Abbondansyeri's stalemate was the main goalkeeper of the youthful national team Argentina, in a World Cup quarterfinal against Portugal its team conducted 1:0 by the time of when it passed a foolish goal from the thin fellow by name Luis Figo . Since then Abbondansyeri regularly started being nervous at turning points, and on the 116th minute he passed between feet the elementary zabros in a penalty area after standard draw.
Chelestini Tony hammered with div a ball into empty gate, and in three minutes Kan Oliver won riding fight against others penalty area, the canopy to the line of the shooting area forced Abbondansyeri to think of expediency of an exit, and it stiffened halfway. Chelestini Tony it did not forgive. 3:3, and at "Hetaf" did not remain seconds that to change something.

Abbondansyeri fell in a penalty area and clasped the head hands. It will not sustain a press after that mistake and in half a year will ask to release it home, in "Side". Braulio who had to become after the goal a star, will be accused of sexual harassments soon, admits the guilt, will be expelled from Examples and will change Cyprus for Malaysia. Chelestini Fabio after a final whistle will pull an undershirt on the person, and at this moment it becomes clear, what advantage at a baggy form. It helps to hide tears better.

Chelestini Fabio in such situation happened more than once.


On a question why he so also did not win anything, Chelestini Fabio will laugh the matter off: "Generally, we won Intertoto's Cup with "Troyes"! " — and then will seriously add: "I won nothing, it is the truth. But in a cup-final of UEFA with "Marseille" we left, having beaten on Road "Inter" and "Liverpool", and it something means". If you open the page of the Swiss on "Wikipedia", will see that he forgets about two won Cups Switzerland, but it has an explanation. These victories happened in times when to Switzerland if you said that the football player, in reply to you nodded and asked: "Well it is clear, and on life you in general what do you do?". Soccer was not considered as work and precisely was not in the way to earn in this always to the full country.

Chelestini Fabio was born in a family of the Italians coming to Switzerland to gather grapes on the well-known terrace vineyards of Laveau. Temporary job brought in the good income, and once parents Chelestini Fabio decided not to come back home and register in Lausanne. His mother passionately supported "Juventus", and at little Chelestini Fabio was not a choice — Michel Platini
became the favourite player, of course, Platini Michelle in football section, but it became quickly clear that such creative as from Platini Michelle, from Chelestini Fabio you should not wait. He and itself liked to work more, than to create, its best parties — devotion to business, the game intelligence and ability skontsentirovatsya — were created in the childhood. In section Chelestini Fabio put in the half-backs center, but the parents, wishing to see the son in attack, were delighted not with it and convinced Chelestini Fabio not to give up study too early. Chelestini Fabio obeyed — if not soccer, it would become the electrician.

Chelestini Fabio always were adjusted by understanding of that it has to be better than others to be fixed above, and eventually all failures developed in it complexes of the immigrant. Having got to the main team of "Lausanne" in 19 years, he suddenly decided that to him stirs excess weight. Without waiting for indications of a trainer's staff, it at own will went to the nutritionist and started "drying" to correspond to a rhythm in which play in the best European leagues. "I and now try to din it into the players: never limit itself. Do not speak to itself: "I small, thin or still any therefore at me it will not turn out" — it will not work. The hope and courage — it is at all of us. It is necessary to be able to make decisions, to go on victims, to show the eggs, the heart. And never to be given" — he speaks. With such philosophy already in the second season Chelestini Fabio became one of leaders of "Lausanne", about it started talking as about future king of the Swiss soccer. The last round of national championship-1998/99 noted peak interest to game if not in the country, Chelestini Fabio are exact in the hometown. Small and old "Pontez" was overflowed, thanks to a calendar in this game two applicants for a champion's title — "Lausanne" and "Servet" met. Owners accepted even a draw, and on the seventh minute they already conducted in the account: Chelestini Fabio tripped up under giving from a penalty, disoriented the goalkeeper, and "Pontez" believed in a title. Too early. On the 15th minute "Servet» already was ahead, and football players with pleasure began to turn each other into forcemeat the most severe fouls. In such soccer it was easier for "Servet" to breathe: still young Pantelich Marco presented to "Lausanne" hope, having made the score 2:3, but after a break "Servet" buried lozannsky dream. 2:5 — Chelestini Fabio sat down on a lawn right after a final whistle and stayed so all awards ceremony of the rival a champion cup. Around "Servet's" who have broken in the field the fans, but Chelestini Fabio. It remained in "Lausanne" for a year, and next summer only modest "Troyes" became interested in it.

"In one morning the trainer approached br to me and told: "After a dinner comes Drogba's , pick up it and explain that such "Marseille". I laughed and to that I in general can teach Drogba? And then reflected. The trainer, turns out, something in me saw". In "Troyes" Chelestini Fabio for a long time was not late, and in "Marseille" with Barthez, van Byuyten, the Gauze, Drogba and Kristanvaly it in three months for the first time left in the field with a captain's bandage. Perren Alain made out leadership skills: Drogba who took Chelestini Fabio approached to Drogba and told that the next year he will play in its team, "Olimpik" accepted "Rennes". All 90 minutes fans cruelly catcalled the team, and Chelestini Fabio did not stand. "It is the first time for my career when fans so snatched. Even when a year ago we merged to Paris 0:3, I did not hear and speak rapidly that heard today. At all I do not know if we went in the championship the 10th, it should come on trainings on tanks? " — the Swiss in a mikst-zone grew furious. For some weeks before it for the first time in life left in the field in the Champions League match, thus it was necessary to debut to "Santiago Bernabeu". Chelestini Fabio worried so strongly that forgot in a locker room a club pennant and at a pre-game ceremony could not share anything with Raul . The legendary Spaniard smiled and tapped of the captain of rivals on the shoulder. "Marseille" did not manage to leave group, Perren Alain under pressure of fans was compelled to leave, and with Anigo Zhoze French reached a cup-final of UEFA. The problem for Chelestini Fabio was that the new trainer did not see it in structure, and to the final with "Valencia" he already knew that will leave in the summer. The halfback began decisive game in a stock, and its outcome became clear within 15 minutes on a joint of times — a goal with a penalty plus Barthez's removal, and then divine blow of Mista buried chances of "Marseille". As well as it befits team from the most restless city in Europe, "Olimpik" continued to be cut, created half-ten moments, Chelestini Fabio left in the field on the 84th minute, flied to tackles with the clenched teeth forward, but it was impossible to rescue game. When the whistle sounded, Chelestini Fabio pulled together guards and went from a field away. He again lost the final, but even that year it was not the main disappointment.

Euro-2004 which Chelestini Fabio so long waited, became for the national team Switzerland catastrophic. In key game with England the team was torn to pieces by young Wayne Mark Runi , and a mistake which led to a victorious goal, allowed Chelestini Fabio. "My career in the combined one phrase: "20 good minutes, then one mistake, and everything fly to devils" — he remembered years later. On the 53rd minute Chelestini Fabio replaced. It was evening on June 17, 2004, exactly 15 years later after a mistake of Abbondansyeri which will play a role in career of the Swiss soon. At everyone the ghosts of youth, and Chelestini Fabio remembered one: in almost entirely germanized Swiss soccer to the Italian who hardly speaks German, extremely difficult. It, as well as already a series of the lost decisive matches, pressed on Chelestini Fabio, and it did not sustain. Next day after a departure with Euro it declared that finishes from the national team, and in a week shaved nalyso and went to a tattoo salon. Chelestini Fabio were filled on the left shoulder by a portrait of the person with which very much tried to associate itself. appeared br/>
On the left shoulder Chelestini Fabio .


"Tatu cost me 180 francs and four and a half hours of tortures in salon. But it is my revolutionary act! " — speaks Chelestini Fabio on which right shoulder before there were only standard hieroglyphs with names of the children, led round by the Chinese symbol "The Woman Whom I Love". "I respect it as person, not as soldier. He won against asthma, worked as the journalist, was the doctor, played rugby, adored poetry. It was many-sided and died for idea, for idea in the country which at all was not its country. In this plan I a little Che" — with such approach the Swiss was doomed to hit to the Spanish-speaking world, in the Example where in the middle of "zero" all bases of modern soccer became tempered: sure and careful possession of the ball, accurately built attacks and pressure. To Spain Chelestini Fabio worked for Shuster Bernd , Laudrup Mikael and Michel's , but really caught ideas of the trainer of someone else's team, Khemes Pako , other football revolutionary. In "Hetaf" Chelestini Fabio became the unconditional leader — before a reciprocal semi-final of the Cup of the King — 2006/07 against "Barcelona" he demanded to pledge the word in a locker room. "We cannot be feet on five steps ahead of "Barcelona", but have to make it mentally. Let's begin to doubt in themselves at least for a second — to us a cover. They arrived here to play soccer, and we have to leave to destroy them" — rumbled Chelestini Fabio, and his speech looked slightly fondly the ambassador 2:5 in the first match. But to "Hetafa" destroyed "Barsa", having forced the Buddhist Ronaldinho to be nervous, Puyol's steel to be mistaken, and impressionable Zambrotta to rage. Mad and times reckless pressure, character and confidence that everything becomes correctly — it there was a game which Chelestini Fabio want to see at the teams always. 4:0 by 73rd minute, and in the last five minutes of game of owners on "Olya! " on a board instead of result the inscription "¡¡Si with si si … Nos vamos a Madrid burned! !" ("Yes, we go to Madrid! "). The final whistle was not heard because of noise even by the arbitrator, the lap of honor on stadium was tightened for some minutes, football players, trainers, stewards and fans to "Hetafa" in the field mixed up.

In the final Chelestini Fabio and to "Hetafa" lost br to "Seville".

a Year later everything had to be differently. Chelestini Fabio played in a basic zone fantastically, Kobe Kun again invited it in the national team, and the club flied on a distance of the Cup of the King and the Cup of UEFA. But for Chelestini Fabio everything ended as usual: on the last before house Euro friendly matches did not cause it, it finally rejected the national team: "I am not the 18-year-old boy. If already solved, do not call me" — and "Bavaria" killed in team belief in the best. "We played fine and we do not believe that occurred. I hope, good luck will repay us a debt on Wednesday" — told after a goal from Chelestini Tony. On Wednesday the cup-final of the King against "Valencia" had to take place, and before an exit in the field of Chelestini Fabio clapped itself on Che's portrait on a shoulder. "In hard times I feel that I need that Che always was with me" — he recognizes many years later.
"Valencia" hammered with br a victorious ball in the final on the 11th minute. "Seville" year before — too on the 11th. In life Chelestini Fabio failures repeat, and to distract from sad thoughts the Swiss concentrated that forces it to love soccer.

It created fund of support of young football players from socially problem families, and to a charitable match in Geneva managed to invite of the Canton, Lizarazyu, Laudrup Mikael, Ravanelli and Raul's , and also to execute dream Zinedin Yazid Zidan to play in one team with its idol of Enzo Francescoli . The fund helped Chelestini Fabio to execute and own dream — it, as well as his comandante, helped Cuba, having opened football school in Havana.


"Us are distinguished with that for "Lausanne" — it already a fantasy. It is necessary to relax. It would be a shame to be given to pressure and to lose even before game". The captain of "Lausanne" Chelestini Fabio told these words before a match with "Locomotive" which became "Koshitsa" and "Vardar" for Semin Youri . The team of the Swiss analog of FNL of the house held 1:1, hammered with the first on a visit and brought to a penalty where the blow Chelestini Fabio was decisive. It did not miss, and the pleasure of "Lausanne" was such loud that on air of the Russian television it was possible to hear distinctly enthusiastic shouts on different Swiss dialects.

Chelestini Fabio were 34 years, and it did not want to come back to Switzerland
interferes with trainer's work and constantly comes into a locker room, but some time all were silent. Revolt was lifted, of course, by at whom always with itself Che Guevara's portrait — Chelestini Fabio told everything that of it thinks, and left in a huff. Instead of management work he, to spite to Kole Jeff, decided to become a trainer, having promised itself that will not suffer more than the similar.
"To me was told that the salary should be cut down three times. I refused, then we were left by 15 football players. The situation got out of hand, and the president of club avoided a meeting with me. Our sports director did not sustain and left earlier, but finally told me that we played the best soccer in the history of club. I was surprised, after all we passed from fields where it is impossible to play, training halls where it is impossible to train. We come somehow into the sports hall, and there all floor in pigeon shit — it was so thrown that birds there built nests. In two days we won. So I understood that I can be the good trainer" — spoke Chelestini Fabio about the first experience of independent trainer's work in humblest Italian "Terrachina". The Swiss by that moment already worked at Shuster Bernd in "Malaga", was convinced of success of creative soccer and looked for chance to prove it the work. Does not wish to change the philosophy under the rival Chelestini Fabio — he recognizes that in him 60% of the Spaniard in respect of the address with a ball, 30% of the Italian in respect of love to tactics and 10% of the Swiss in respect of the productive organization of work. With such ideals it is difficult to find a launching site of career — in usually young trainers invite in weak teams which try to work from defense. But for Chelestini Fabio there was an option.

It returned again to "Lausanne" which sank in the chellendzh-league, the second Swiss division, and again made it on own belief: "For me it was important to reconcile with people in club which lifted me". The present president Zhozef Alain was the vice-president at the time of revolt Chelestini Fabio in the 2010th, but with pleasure accepted it back. The new trainer to a descent began to fight against public opinion — to "Lausanne" he invited the owner of the biggest in club of the contract of 40-year Pandiani Valter with which got acquainted to Spain. Pandiani Valter took under guardianship of young forwards, and in a year one of prospectuses went to "Juventus" academy, having justified appearance of the Uruguayan. "Lausanne" promptly rushed according to the table up, left in the Superleague and with the youngest structure in the European elite leagues at once began to show the most beautiful soccer in the country, and Pandiani Valter is sure that this trainer will work very soon in top league. "I have no players who made good career, but there are those who will make it" — approves Chelestini Fabio. Anybody to Switzerland does not hold a ball better than "Lausanne". Even "Basel".

"Can be won br even against "Real". We will play 10 matches with "Basel" and in nine we will lose but why not to win the 10th? As preparation I will show to guys our match with "Barcelona" that all of them understood" — spoke Chelestini Fabio before a November meeting with "Basel". Trainer's work considerably changed it: he grew thin, short hair began to turn gray quickly, and under eyes there were dark circles — for some months of work in "Lausanne" it had only three days off.

He continues to fight against the amateur organization of process. To Switzerland in direct understanding of this word only four or five professional clubs, and "Lausanne" — not among them. Average salary in club only seven thousand euros a month, it not huge money for the Swiss standard of living. In club administration, besides the president, the trainer's staff and two more people, is not present anybody. All sports component — structure selection, negotiations on contracts — is on outsourcing, the position of the sports director is not present. The budget of "Lausanne" — ridiculous 7 million euros. Many times it is less, than at "Basel".
By 90th minute "Lausanne" conducted br on a visit on "Sankt-Jacob-Parke" 1:0. The opposite rain began, the judge added unreasonably much — the whole four minutes. On first compensated angular "Lausanne" at gate led to the selection which has remained beyond "Basel", the lumbago in a penalty area found a knee of the central defender Sukhi Marek which played better than any forward and hammered. In the following attack "Lausanne" lost a ball out of the blue, and one more simple lumbago on a near bar was made by goal by Yanko Mark .

At everyone the ghosts of youth, it is exact.
"My dream — to bring "Lausanne" as the trainer to the Champions League match at new stadium in 2019" — are told by Chelestini Fabio. Also adds: "If it is short, I am the football romantic". "Lausanne" lost to "Basel" 1:2, and her trainer after the second ball for the first time sits down on a bench. "Our philosophy does not change, we do not give up" — he speaks at a press conference after a match.

On the left shoulder at 41-year-old Chelestini Fabio a portrait of the person which will not allow it to be given.

Source: "Championship"