The Belgian snowboarder Smits won slopestyle at stage KM in Seyzer-Alma

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Moscow, 27 January - Sport News Agency "R-Sport". the Belgian snowboarder to Seppa Smits won against strong slopestyle at the World Cup stage in Seyzer-Alma (Italy).


In the final of Smits became 88,30 points first with result. The second place was taken by the British Nikolls Jamie (87,90), one more Belgian Sebbe de Bouck (85,75) became the third.

the Russian Khadarin Wladyslaw finished fight in a semi-final and in the final protocol became the 13th (55,70).

At women slopestyle were won by Finn Annie Rukayarvi (81,70), the Canadian Laurie Blyuin (80,50), the third – Xing Kandriang's Swiss (80,40) became the second.

the Russian Zhukova Anastasia became the 16th (47,00), Fedorova Sofya – the 25th (37,00).

Annie Erika Rukayarvi
Last position: The professional athlete on a snowboard
Nikolls Jamie
Khadarin Wladyslaw