In SKO summed up the results of work of police officers

@ARNA PRESS (Kazahstan)
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In SKO summed up the results of work of police officers

In Petropavlovsk took place operational meeting following the results of activity of law-enforcement bodies North Kazakhstan Region in 2016. North Kazakhstan Region Sultanov Yerik Akim, the deputy minister of internal affairs of RK the police major general Turgumbaev Yerlan, reports with reference to SKO Akim's press service.

About with what results were finished 2016 by the North Kazakhstan police officers, the chief of DVD of SKO the police major general Bilyalov Berik reported.

"In 2016 in North Kazakhstan Region registered 9031 crimes that is 11% less, than in 2015. For 2 years positive dynamics of decrease in categories of crimes was outlined: murders, the facts of causing heavy harm to health, robberies, extortion, hooliganisms, rapes, frauds and motor transport stealings" , - to were told by the chief of department.

noted positive dynamics and in questions of fight against thefts of someone else's property. The number of thefts from apartments, thefts of cattle and cell phones is reduced. Solvability indicators practically all types of crimes are improved: the general solvability of crimes made 66%, including heavy – 87% and especially heavy about 97%.

B 2016 system work of Local police service allowed to reduce quantity of the crimes committed in public places, on streets, minors and in a state of intoxication. Decrease in quantity of road accidents, including victims and wounded in road accident is reached.

the Chief of DVD noted full support of the local executive bodies paying much attention to questions of material equipment of law enforcement bodies.

On results of work of Department on emergency situations of the present were informed by the chief of DChS SKO Filippov Pawel. Also the report made the chief of DUIS on SKO Zhusupov Bukenbay, the chief of the Local police service DVD SKO Aytbaev Kanat.

the Deputy minister of internal affairs of Kazakhstan the police major general Turgumbaev Yerlan in the performance emphasized that the Department North Kazakhstan Region occupies today one of leading positions on safety issues. Also the vice-minister explained the last innovations.

"The traffic police has to work with p on traffic safety, instead of on bribery. Such facts are. And that we withdrew staffs from uniform regimentals, too is one of step methods on fight against corruption in Department of Internal Affairs. For anybody not a secret that the staff became the tool which abuse more. We entered some changes into the law. The first – a road patrol force ban unjustly to stop transport" — was told by Turgumbaev Yerlan Zamanbekovich.

Akim North Kazakhstan Region Sultanov Yerik acted Further.

"Department of internal affairs carried out large-scale work on providing a due law and order in the region. Last year decrease in crime is reached, the operational situation in public places, on city streets is revitalized, the children's crime is reduced, the quantity of the crimes committed in an alcohol intoxication is reduced. However, along with it growth of quantity of the crimes committed by earlier judged, and also the facts of domestic violence" is observed, - were told by the head of the region.

Akim areas paid attention to need of strengthening of work on collecting administrative penalties. Besides, Sultanov Yerik noted harmonious work of law-enforcement bodies together with Department on emergency situations in the period of a serious flood situation in the spring of 2016.

"For rendering assistance in prevention and the prevention of offenses, from local executive bodies take measures for strengthening of material support of police service, improvement of working conditions of the North Kazakhstan guards. So, in 2016 from the budget of area it is allocated 514 million tenges for acquisition of office motor transport and other technical means for local police service. In the current year allocation of 430 million tenges is planned for acquisition and installation of surveillance cameras on the Safe City method, building acquisition for a temporary detention center of the Tayynshinsky District Department of Internal Affairs" , - were told by Sultanov Yerik.

during meeting Akim areas awarded the divisions of law-enforcement bodies recognized as best following the results of operational and service activity of last year. Diplomas and valuable presents are handed over to management on fight against organized crime, investigative management and local police service, and also Department of Internal Affairs of Zhambylsky, Ualikhanovsky areas and Shal of the akyn.

In completion of action the vice-Minister of Internal Affairs of RK Turgumbaev Yerlan handed over a banner to Department of internal affairs North Kazakhstan Region. Being a symbol of honest and worthy service in law enforcement bodies, the banner becomes the main attribute in patriotic education and strengthening of a professional kernel North Kazakhstan politseyskikh.


Berik Sultangazinovich Bilyalov
Main activity:Official
Yerlan Zamanbekovich Turgumbaev
Last position: Adviser to the President (Administration President of Republic Kasakhstan)
Sultanov Yerik
Filippov Pawel
Zhusupov Bukenbay