The athlete from Krasnoyarsk the first in Russian Federation won the Cup Europe on bobsled

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the Athlete from Krasnoyarsk the first in Russian Federation won the Cup Europe on bobsled. About it reported in the press service of Academy of Winter sports.

of Competition passed on January 25-26 in the German city of Vinterberg. The Krasnoyarsk bobsledder pilot Popov Dimitri showed the best time in competitions to four-seater crew and took "gold". In team of the athlete also there were three dispersing, including the Krasnoyarsk citizen Kazantsev Andrey.

In Academy of winter sports note that it is Popov Dimitri, and also the first case when "gold" on a cup Europe on Bobsled is taken by athletes from Russian Federation. Let's add, the second place at competitions was taken by the German crew, one more four from Russian Federation closed the three as a part of which there was Krasnoyarsk dispersing Buryakov Pawel.

information portal "NGS.NOVOSTI"
of the Photo are provided by academy of winter sports

Andrey Aleksandrovich Kazantsev
Last position: The professional athlete on bobsled
Dmitry Petrovich Popov
Last position: The professional athlete on bobsled
Buryakov Pawel