Volleyball players of "Dynamo" feel fatigue, to game LCh it is necessary to collect all forces – Pankova Catherina

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Moscow, 22 January – Sport News Agency "R-Sport", Stolbunova Veronica . Volleyball players of Moscow "Dynamo" got a bit tired, as showed a match of the championship Russian Federation against "Zarechie-Odintsovo" situated near Moscow, but to game with odnoklubnitsa from Krasnodar in the Champions League it is necessary to collect all the forces, Ekaterina Pankova binding of capital club Pankova Catherina declared to the correspondent of Sport News Agency "R-Sport".

the Meeting of the 14th round of the championship Russian Federation between "Dynamo" and "Zarechie-Odintsovo", taken place in Sunday in Moscow, came to the end with the score 3-1 in favor of capital club. The Champions League match with Krasnodar "Dynamo" will pass in Moscow on January 25. "I will tell p to

for game of our team, and today it was not really. I think that we got a bit tired and it is necessary to collect now any forces and reserves on game with Krasnodar in the Champions League because it is very important match", - told Pankova Catherina.

the Volleyball player noted that hopes that the Odintsovo club will get rid of financial problems which the first season has not. "Zarechie" – good fellows, and I wish them only good luck, I wish that they found already, at last, financing because girls young, and this future of our national team. You see that in other teams do not bring up young players therefore I very much hope that to them will help", - she explained.

On Friday the advisory council VFV recommended to presidium of VFV to approve by p Kuzyutkina Vladimira on a post of the head coach combined Russian Federation ". I do not know, whether there will be I now the player of the national team because all of us on new will call. If me call in team, I will work, and regardless of what there will be the trainer, I give all the best on full", - summarized Pankova Catherina.