Volleyball players of Kazan "Dynamo" conceded "Uralochke-NTMK"

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Defeat in a match against team from Yekaterinburg became for the Kazan girls the second in succession.

(Kazan, on January 21, "Tatar inform", Anisimov Aleksey). The women's volleyball club "Dynamo Kazan" on departure ceded Russian Federation and came to the end with a victory of girls from the capital Republic of Tatarstan (3:1). However, on departure of hardly anyone waited for easy walk. The calendar at the end of January prepared for Kazan "dinamovka" a terrible series – a match with acting champions of the country from Moscow "Dynamo" of the house, then departure for silver prize-winners of last Uralochke championship and house game against owners of "bronze" of a season of 2015/2016 "Dynamo" from Krasnodar. The first round of this opposition was alas lost by Kazan in team considered as opportunity to be rehabilitated for that failure.

as a part of owners of a platform from first minutes a match began Kurilo Margaret, Parubets Xenia, Irisova Helena, Yevdokimova Catherina, Klimets  Anna and Babeshina Marina (Libero – Karpol Catherina). At "Dynamo" in the starting six left Zaryazhko Irina, Stolyarova Darya, Elits Vasilev, Filishtinskaya Irina, Voronkova Irina and Maryukhnich Marina (Libero – Ulanova Catherina).

the Match team began attentively and built, on start of the first set on a board – 3:3. Soon two productive blocks bring to guests two-point advantage (6:4). "Uralochke" was succeeded to reduce lag to a minimum (11:10), however own mistakes of owners of a platform presented again some points to in a row "dinamovka" (16:13). After a technical timeout payp killed Voronkova Irina, but then was mistaken in not the most difficult situations twice. The mentor of "Dynamo" Gilyazutdinov Rishat right there reacted to such mini-failure of the volleyball player a timeout, having given the chance to the eminent vis-a-vis Karpol Nicholas once again emotionally to state something to the wards. "Uralochki's" mistakes allowed "dinamovka" four chances to end game (24:21), but guests did not use any of setbolov. However, in game on more-less more successful there were Kazan girls: at first Vasileva successfully attacked, and in the following draw worked the group block (26:24).

the Second party began p with catastrophically unsuccessful reception for owners – three times for a short period purely was mistaken Libero "Uralochki", having given the chance to team from Kazan to escape in a separation (7:3). However, having adjusted reception, the Ekaterinburg girls at first reduced lag to a minimum (11:10), and through some draws at all came forward – 13:12. To the second technical break owners already conducted two points (16:14). Plus to everything "dinamovka" began to make own mistakes: two unsuccessful attacks Stolyarova Darya increased advantage of owners to four points, then twice Voronkova Irina. "Initiative" of the girlfriends on command supported Maryukhnich Marina, having sent a ball far to a miss. The game by the next mistakes Stolyarova Darya was ended: the volleyball player "Uralochka" blocked her attacks twice and reserved the second party (25:17).

On start of the third party the trainer's staff of "Dynamo" replaced with p Vasileva with Biryukova Olga. The Bulgarian doigrovshchitsa was disturbed, probably, by the old trauma got still in a match of last round against Moscow "Dynamo". Volleyball players from Yekaterinburg used absence on a platform of one of the Kazan leaders and "escaped" forward (5:2). Owners held three-point advantage surely (9:6), quickly attacking on a rupture of the "Dinamo" block.

Gilyazutdinov Rishat uses a trainer's timeout right after which the captain "Uralochki" makes out Babeshina Marina are the soloist, realizuya in the middle of party three attacks in a row from three and reducing lag of guests in the account (18:15). At the critical moment the Kazan trainers return on a platform Vasileva, but that, probably, nevertheless not in an optimum form. In a set ending once again in a miss Maryukhnich Marina attacks, and Parubets Xenia in powerful blow brings to the team six setbolov (24:18). It in attack realizes the third of them and gets for "Uralochki" a victory in the second set in succession – 25:20.

the First draws of the fourth set remain for "Dynamo", but soon volleyball players from Ekateriburga catch up with competitors and come forward (6:4). "Is still knocked" on the block the Kazan diagonal Stolyarova Darya, attacking with the lowest interest. For it fulfill girlfriends on command – at first Filishtinskaya Irina successfully throws off, then the "Dinamo" block works, and on a technical break guests go with lag to only one point (8:7). To the party middle owners conduct three points (14:11), and the Kazan girls continue to be mistaken, mainly, in attack. Stolyarova Darya on a platform is replaced by Biryukova Olga, but it will not strongly measure alignment of forces – before "Uralochk's" second technical break keeps a three-point separation (16:13). Biryukova Olga, by the way, proved not much better Stolyarova Darya, and the trainer's staff of "Dynamo" returns Stolyarova Darya in game. That hammers some difficult balls and allows the Kazan girls to remain in game (20:20). In an ending the Ural girls are more productive in attack that allows them to earn three matchballs (24:21). One of them was won back by Vasileva, but the second was hammered surely Parubets Xenia. 25:22 in the third set and 3:1 in a match – "Uralochki's" victory and the defeat of Kazan "Dynamo" second in a row.

Volleyball, the championship Russian Federation 2016/2017 among women's teams of the Superleague. 14th round.

"Uralochka-NTMK" - "Dynamo Kazan" - 3:1 (24:26, 25:17, 25:20, 25:22).

Podpisyvaytes on us in Telegram

Margaret Kurilo
Xenia Parubets
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (Independent noncommercial organization "Uralochka")
Catherina Yevdokimov
Анна Игоревна Климец
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (Non-commercial partnership insurance company "Dinamo" (Moscow city))