During autumn session of Diet six deputies are administratively punished

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During autumn session of Diet six deputies are administratively punished
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during autumn session of Diet were administratively punished by div six deputies, information provided to parliament testifies.

the Commission on mandates, ethics and statements will consider this information next week, and in a week about violations will be reported at parliament meeting. The head of commission Orlov Vitaly noted that positive fact that in comparison with the previous period the number of administratively punished deputies decreased.

Four deputies are punished for traffic violations of the rules — Zarinsh Ivar ("Consent") and Vilyums Yuris (The Latvian association of regions) are fined for excess of speed and non-compliance with a distance, and Artisu Rasmanisu (The union "green" and peasants) took out the prevention. Romuald Razhuks (" <= "http://rus.delfi.lv/temi/edinstvo" title = "Unity"> Unity ") is fined by a href for violation of the rules of crossing of a railway crossing.

the Deputy Klementyev Yvan ("Consent") had to pay p a penalty for non-compliance with rules of accounting, delivery of reports and statistical information, and to the deputy <= "http://rus.delfi.lv/temi/imant-paradnieks" title = "Imant Paradniyeks"> to Paradnieks Imant (VL- TB/DNNL ) the fine is applied by a href for non-compliance with rules Duma of Riga about advertizing, signs and other information materials.

In May of last year the Diet cancelled immunity of deputies for administrative offenses, having decided that names of violators will appear from a parliament tribune.

during the previous session administrative violations were made by ten deputies.

Имант Парадниекс
Last position: The adviser to the prime minister concerning population policy (Government of the Republic of Latvia)
Orlov Vitaly
Zarinsh Ivar
Vilyums Yuris
Klementyev Yvan