The Russian business ombudsman Boris Titov will visit inauguration Donald Trump

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The Russian business ombudsman Boris Titov will visit Trump's inauguration Photo :

the Representative by the rights of businessmen at President of the Russian Federation Boris Titov will be present on inauguration of the electee President of the United States of America Donald Trump, transfer mass media. the Head of administration of the business ombudsman Tatyana Marchenko confirmed with

this information:" It already departed to United States of America to take part (in inauguration)". Earlier it was reported that representatives of Democratic party of United States of America had difficulties with obtaining tickets for a ceremony, and they had to do special inquiry. Republicans received invitations automatically.

last week knew, what on an inauguration ceremony Donald Trump will present Moscow to United States of America Kislyak Sergei.
we Will remind br to a, inauguration the 45th President of the United States of America will take place on January 20. By data information agency "ITAR-TASS", on Kapitaliysky the hill at the Congress building in Washington D.C. comes to an end with span installation of a platform with which the republican will take the oath as President of the United States of America.