Arrival of the new chief of staff of the governor turned back scandal

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For the first time all heads of Leningrad region cell phones at meeting forced to hand over to

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As knew to p 47news, on Monday, January 16, participants of big hardware meeting were surprised with the new requirement. All cell phones, tablets and other means of communication asked to hand over them on an entrance to a hall of meetings. New rules in any way did not comment.

officials of level take part In the device, not below chairmen of committees, and also vice governors and heads of federal authorities.

Interlocutors 47news on Suvorovsky, 67 connect an innovation with emergence in the building of the new vice governor — the chief of staff Kucheryavy Mikhail . Let's remind, he is lieutenant general, the security officer.

By the way, about one and a half years ago, the similar requirement entered for visitors of the reception governor. At first employees obliged to sign the document in which they express a consent with need to leave phones outside a so-called piece of glass (a corridor where there are offices of the governor, vice governors on finance and social policy - an edition). However, as well as in any big systems of coordinates, conform to this rule to not all.

Mikhail Mikhaylovich Kucheryavy
Last position: Vice governor, chief of staff (Governor Administration and government of the Leningrad region)