The house with the deformed base in Dzerzhinsk protect from marauders

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, on January 14, Russian information agency "FederalPress". At the five-floor house on Budenny Street in Dzerzhinsk Nizhny Novgorod region where there was a sag of the base, is organized the round-the-clock watch of employees City administration, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"Apartment management firm that there was no sudden penetration the house, hung up locks. Here in the yard we organized the tent town where at us will be on duty round the clock City administration, the staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They will have keys from entrances. To inhabitants brought an order of the subsequent access to the apartments: they approach, show documents", – reported during selector meeting of the acting the chief of State institution Ministry OF Emergency SITUATIONSRussia onNizhny Novgorod region Danilov Valery.

According to him, in the house prescribed 151 persons (on this City administration – 152). Earlier it was reported that 159 people are registered in the house.

At selector meeting it was sounded that at entrances renovation, replacement of the warped doors is required, the solution of a question on strengthening of the base and development of soil requires the conclusion of the expert organization.

Meanwhile experts Directorate of the federal service for supervision in Sphere of protection of Rights of consumers and wellbeing of Person on Nizhny Novgorod region left in point of temporary placement of inhabitants of the house – children's camp "Sports City" to check conditions of stay and food of people, is spoken in the department press release.

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