"The apartment for Vladimir Putin" presented to the father of three children. New Year's history

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in Solnechnogorsk district Moscow region presented the Apartment to the father of three children from Moscow region. The history ended in a New Year's way: surprise and pleasure tears. New settlers learned about a gift, already standing at an entrance of the new house.

of Radio. Photo: open sources in internete.

Osenyu last year the president of Sapsan group of companies Shmakov Sergei decided to thank the Belarusian sports functionary Fomochkin Andrey who carried by a flag Russian Federation at the opening ceremony of 2016 Summer Paralympics. Many paid attention to this gesture. Telling then about origin of this idea on air radio station "Business FM" , Shmakov Sergei declared that with pleasure would hand over the apartment also to the president Vladimir Putin.

It appeared p that at this moment the president listened to the program. Later through the press secretary Dmitry Peskov Vladimir Putin told that it cannot accept such gifts, but at the same time would be glad if such apartment was presented by that who needs it. Edition contacted Shmakov Sergei, and he started looking for applicants.

Shmakov Sergei,
president of Sapsan group of companies:

We looked at all transfers which were connected with it — Aleshin Mikhail acted six or seven years ago in "Let speak" with Malakhov. Well, and then began to look on all mass media — who where, in general something proceeded, ran. Thanks to mass media, probably, found this family. We called them, asked to arrive. They asked, why. We speak: "Surprise". They specify: "What surprise of the plan? " We in reply: "At you that, every day surprises? " And they:" Well, not everyone therefore come". And when arrived, learned — Aleshin Mikhail for a minute became silent, he could not understand yet, was shocked. Children at first began to jump, then began to cry, then again began to jump.

Aleshin Mikhail — the 46-year-old father of three children. The spouse died seven years ago. to Aleshin Mikhail who worked before as the trucker, it was necessary to change a profession to be near children.

Aleshin Mikhail,
father having many children:

When me were handed over by keys, I only learned that will give me the apartment. To me as a butt on the head, I cannot still depart. Children still squeal. We did not get used yet. I yet did not realize that this mine.

Till this day Aleshin Mikhail together with 16-year-old Anastasia, 14-year-old Maxim and nine-year-old Dasha lived in the 18-meter room of a communal flat in Ivanteyevka. Now it is necessary to a family moving to 64-meter "two-room flat" with repair, furniture and all necessary equipment. Aleshin Mikhail told about how surprise covered him with the second wave: ""But when we still, being there below, learned that to us will hand over now the apartment, we already were delighted. But there was a thought that now it is necessary to do floors, repair and so on. However, when we came here, I simply did not fail almost about a door. Everything is ready though now come here and live. That we also will make. "

during interview the younger daughter Aleshin Mikhail Dasha ran up. The father suggested it to move today. But she seriously answered: "Aha, and who will go to school tomorrow?" The oldest daughter shared then whisper with the father fresh idea: "And after all now that room in Ivanteyevka can be handed over! For money! ".

Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
1 685
Dmitry Peskov
Last position: Deputy head, Russian President's Press Secretary (Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation)
Sergei Aleksandrovich Shmakov
Fomochkin Andrey
Aleshin Mikhail