State budget cultural institution Moscow "Theater named after Mossoveta" made Turgenev "Smoke" actual

@Vechernjaja Moskva
Show original
Prepremier performance display

Prepremier performance "The Cherry Orchard" display at State budget cultural institution Moscow "Theater named after Mossoveta"

State budget cultural institution Moscow "Theater named after Mossoveta" "BadenBaden" the director Yeremin Youri put the late novel In a basis of a premiere Turgenev Yvan "Smoke".

"Smoke" — not the most successful work of the classic: critics unanimously accused him in due time both of indistinctness, and of sarcasm in relation to "the conceiving intellectuals" Russian Federation. But passed 150 years (by the way, the premiere is devoted to this anniversary of the first edition of the novel), and it appeared that the plot of work postponed for a scene seems quite entertaining.

Business happens in the German resort Baden-Baden. In a circle rich and full of discontent with fatherland of the Russian emigrants there is Litvinov Grigory (Trofimov Aleksey). Generally, it arrived on training on agriculture for which plans to go in at home. However the fatal lady in red Irina (Kryukova Eugenia) forces down all its plans: it is long love, and it flashes with a new force.

the Hero not only does not carry out p conceived, but also manages to ruin the wedding with "angel" Rodionova Tatyana (Mikhaylovskaya  Anna) — in the light of new plans with Irina it is impossible. But fatal ladies are accustomed not to keep the promise. The hero leaves from the resort one and in the most upset feelings, than and sums up action.

Such ordinary history directed by Yeremin Youri looks interesting and places even curious. First of all thanks to Turgenev Yvan to emigrant spirit with its verbalization and idleness.

Looking at a scene, it is easily possible to present hayanye of Russians from Potugin's lips (Shcherbin Dimitri) on any modern Courchevel or Region of Sardinia: Russians are limited, psevdodarovity and all move from the West.

As it is conformable with the last pearl of one of offsprings of new Russian elite: "Everywhere it is better, than in Rashke". Scenic reliability add details. Heroes easily pass to German — performance trained including the consultant for German Voronova Julia.

the tiny falls in which heroes joyfully wet feet Murmur in an orchestra pit. The first act comes to an end with performance of the Russian romance "with a nugget from Taganrog" (Yemelyanov Alexander). All these trifles create the truthful soil for Turgenev satire which at Yeremin Youri becomes topical.

bright game of actors of the second plan is Not less attractive also: Shcherbin Dimitri, for example, thought up that his hero does not utter the letter "r" — so Potugin's monologues sound more directly and ominously.

Rodionova Tatyana plays Sukhanchikova with a heat and passion of the real feminist. Dashevskaya Galina as Kapitolina Markovna wraps verboseness of the heroine in warm-heartedness and soft-heartedness.

A here Kryukova Eugenia here it is rather weak. Irina's phrase "What I disgusting! " in its execution in the thoughtful viewer causes laughter. At first sight it seems what exactly the fatal beauty has to be such: superfluous in everything, except the truth. And still add Kryukova Eugenia to the Irina a few exact human manifestations, her game would be more interesting. And performance would win. It is always more pleasant to see in the main character not "a dead doll" (so Irina characterizes the environment), and let inconsistent, but the personality.

Tatyana Rodionov
Last position: Actress (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater named after Mossoveta")
Alexander Aleksandrovich Yemelyanov
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater named after Mossoveta")
Youri Ivanovich Yeremin
Last position: Director (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater named after Mossoveta")
Aleksey Aleksandrovich Trofimov
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater named after Mossoveta")