ZhVK "Dynamo" (Kazan) has good collective, and it very much helps - Stolyarova Darya

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Kazan, 11 January - Sport News Agency "R-Sport", Kuznetsov Vadim. Strong line of women's volleyball club "Dynamo" (Kazan) is existence of good collective that helps team successfully to act in a season-2016/17, declared in interview to Sport News Agency "R-Sport" diagonal the Kazan team Stolyarova Darya.


in December Russian Federation won the Cup, and after the first circle of national championship is in the lead in standings. Last summer team left Gamova Catherina, Del Antonella to Cora and Borodakova Maria, "Dynamo" structure strongly changed.

"At Kazan "Dynamo" very good collective. It very much helped with a cup-final Russian Federation. When you know that behind your back team which is ready to give all the best up to the end, not to feel sorry for itself in each draw of a ball, you are not afraid to strike and get to the block. For you as though the wall – will not turn out at you, you will be helped by others. All fought the friend for the friend", - Stolyarova Darya told.

"The result comes when there is a team, and we have it. For 100 percent I can tell. And it not only collective from 14 girls. These are trainers, the medical personnel, all - all. All of us one big family. The trainer can swear, we can joke somewhere", - the volleyball player added.

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