Hearings on the Mongolian hydroelectric power stations are postponed to Republic of Buryatia for unknown date

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is postponed to Republic of Buryatia carrying out public hearings according to the construction project on implementation of projects "Shurensky Hydroelectric Power Station" and "Regulation of a Drain of the Orkhon River and Construction of a Complex of Reservoirs". Public consultations, we will remind, had to start on January 16 and will last until the end of a month, however now exact date of their carrying out is unknown. About it reported news agency " information agency "Vostok-Teleinform" to " the head of the Buryat regional association on Baikal Shapkhaev Sergei

According to him, the situation now is in a hover.

- In the end of the year we sent to the Mongolian party of 25 remarks according to the project which is supposed to be discussed and they after that became silent. As far as I know, they plan to arrive to Republic of Buryatia to bring materials and to extend among public those reception areas where will pass hearings – Ulan-Ude, Tarbagataysky, Pribaykalsky, Kabansky and Ivolginsky areas. But when it will occur, it is not clear yet. Under the law, a month before carrying out hearings it is necessary to publish in the printing of the announcement with their announcement – and not only in republican mass media, but also the federal edition, and also in local print media of those areas where will pass hearings. Meanwhile nobody gave such announcement. By estimates Shapkhaev Sergei, can pass hearings not earlier than March, after Sagaalgan. we Will remind br to br, Russian Federation and Mongolia coordinated carrying out public hearings according to the construction project on implementation of projects "Shurensky Hydroelectric Power Station" and "Regulation of a Drain of the Orkhon River and Construction of a Complex of Reservoirs" at the beginning of December. In October from a name World Bank, ready to finance the project, on development of the feasibility study on hydroelectric power station "Shuren" and the Orkhon tank was announced. Official documents were published on the website of bank and as ecologists noted, actually with the announcement of it public hearings on construction the hydroelectric power stations appointed to fall, lost any meaning. As the minister of natural resources noted then Republic of Buryatia Safyanov Youri, for Ministry of natural resources Republic of Buryatia placement became a bolt from the blue. The ministry sent letters to The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation with a request to explain further algorithm of actions.

- Ministerstvo prirodnykh resursov Mongolii supported intentions of the Mongolian party about carrying out public consultation and asked Ministry of natural resources Republic of Buryatia to render assistance, - noted Safyanov Youri. - The population of the republic has to know about plans of our neighbors, and is obliged to express own opinion.
Without fail, were reported by the authorities, such hearings will take place and to Irkutsk region after consultations will take place to Republic of Buryatia. Results of hearings can have a great impact on implementation of the project. Government Mongolia have no money for construction financing also the only thing, on what they can count is the credit World Bank which pays much attention to opinion of the public. And if experts are able to prove that construction will have negative impact on a lake ecosystem, World Bank not only will not finance the MINIS project (on hydroelectric power station construction) itself, but also to other investors will not begin to recommend also.