Matches of "Kuznetsk Bears" are transferred

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Matches "Kuznetsk Bears" against which had to play against "Mammoths of Yugra" , are transferred.

As reported " "> daily online edition "Nakanune.Ru" in Novokuznetsk Hockey club "Metallurg", games were planned for January 10 and 11 in Khanty-Mansiysk, however are transferred to communications of with mass poisoning of players.

of MHL will report about new dates of carrying out these matches in addition.

According to preliminary data, the transferred games with "Mammoths of Yugra" will take place in the 20th of February.

According to the calendar, the next matches for "Bears" will take place on January 19-20 in Novokuznetsk against of "Sarmatians". Today the Novokuznetsk club has an operating series from nine victories.

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As earlier reported " "> daily online edition "Nakanune.Ru" , on January 8, 2017 12 players of Kuznetsk Bears club and some members of team <= ""> are hospitalized by a href with symptoms of food poisoning.

Hockey club "Kuznetsk Bears" — a youth team on ice hockey from Novokuznetsk. Ball it is formed on the basis of Metallurg farm-club "Metallurgist-2". Since 2009 acts in the Championship of Youth hockey league.