Not that gave: McCain remained Poroshenko is dissatisfied

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On the eve of New year of Poroshenko in Kiev handed over to McCain an award. The behavior of senator during a ceremony generated doubts that he waited for something another. Perhaps award? Or actions of the Odessa port zavoda?

Fight for democracy and freedom — business thin. High-ranking American advocates of this occupation in the countries of the "third" world got used to supplement advance of ideals and values with work for receiving profit. Examples of such combination pleasant with useful or, telling to words of the hero "Caucasian captive", "with state" it is enough mixture of the wool. After United States of America, having made aggression against Serbia, tore away from it the autonomous region of Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija, the firm close to holding then a post of the Secretary of State Olbrayt M., became to Kosovo the monopolist of rendering telecommunication services. Became famous for combinations of this sort and the former vice-president of United States of America Cheyni D. with whom the whole loop of "mixtures" tries to keep step. In Ukraine the American business, having received after "Maidan" a mode of the maximum preference, opened for itself a wide field of activity. Also led it resolutely, surely, safely. Interception by Americans at Russians and their Ukrainian partners of a subject of nuclear power therefore the deputy Martynenko N. suffered became one of loud precedents here. Senator Makkeyn D. in this regard is not an exception to the rules. For many years the most live participation in the Ukrainian affairs and in Ukrainian state and political "cuisine" to it on the rights of "the sincere friend" Ukraine was succeeded to bring to the country not one both American, and the international business with the American participation. Whether only for the sake of "democracy advance", or for modest material remuneration, it is a question almost rhetorical. with

Answering shortly before departure from Kiev a question, whether objects of military industrial complex Ukraine are interesting to the American business, the former ambassador of United States of America J. Payett told that interest is. the obstacle gets In the way to its practical realization, however, in the form of form of ownership of the enterprises of military industrial complex. While, say, they remain in state hands, anybody because of the ocean to make concerning any of them serious plans does not begin. The military industrial complex enterprises Makkeyn D. always drew attention. After a "Maidan" victory when it seemed to it that time came to expand field of activity in Ukraine, it decided to look narrowly at some of them more attentively. And, according to knowing people, took notice of some "stuff" in the power sphere, and also on the Odessa port plant. Hearings — hearings, but during the stay of Saakashvili M. the governor of Odeshchina Makkeyn D. visited him in Odesa, discussed with it as Mikho reported to the press, "a privatization course" then already in Kiev something long explained Poroshenko P.. That thus on a face had such grimace what happens when chewing lemon. At this moment the president-oligarch, probably, remembered existence of such concept, as "the conflict of interests". On OPZ at it the plans hardly coinciding with plans of dear American visitor and his partners.

A that Poroshenko P.? of Poroshenko P., listening vpolukha to the guests assuring that, thanks to their diligence, he with America will have all still, did a good mine at bad game. wanted to Accept assurances very much, but, alas, not really it was could: signals "from there" went one worse than another. Hopes that all questions with new administration will manage to be closed to one Makkeyn D., it is not enough. The president was obviously weighed upon a ceremony, but was compelled to execute a compulsory dance as it is necessary. As that is demanded, on the one hand, by the protocol, with another — freight of pending obligations before the American friends. to Makkeyn D. and Graham L. he told Graham about how the traditional two-party help in the Congress and in administration President of the United States of America … in reflection of aggression Russian Federation" was important for it and for "his 45-million country" within the last two and a half years ". These words as pleasant memories of days past were heard. The peevish expression of the president at the time of their pronouncing did not leave doubts that is well known to it about approach of modern times in the Ukrainian-American relations and about changes which these times can bring. In the report on a meeting on an official presidential site President of the United States of America Poroshenko's press service dared to lower a mention of administration delicately. On case everyone, probably. Tone and pathos of a speech Poroshenko P. suggested p to

an idea that he perceived a meeting with senators as farewell. And, not only with them, but also with unconditional support of United States of America which enjoyed at Obama B.. And senators? Whether they realized, what there came hour of farewell about Poroshenko P. what it now, in fact, represents same "a lame duck", as well as the 44th owner of the White house? Only the reason of its "lameness" other, than at the American colleague. To presidential election in Ukraine two and a half years. And here, to "Maidan", revolution or a serious illness which is capable not to allow the owner of a presidential position to work already before term — it is similar, only a few months, at most half a year, no more than that.

Finally Poroshenko P. offered Makkeyn D. and to his satellites to go to Donets Basin. Say, to make sure of aggression Russian Federation. That, probably, much with great pleasure would go somewhere to other place, for example, to Odesa. To be convinced that OPZ is not privatized yet, and, so the chance to join in its section at it remains. But there is nothing to do. Laws of a genre demand. It was necessary to gather and go to Mariupol. Many Ukrainians, having learned about it, involuntarily shrank. In all honesty, was from what. Are too fresh in memory of reminiscence of how vigorously paced on the Independence Maidan in Kiev V. Nuland, distributing to the right and on the left become history and in "cookie" folklore. Ended that American "support" by tears, blood, mutilations and death of hundreds people. do not give My God, Makkeyn D. in Donets Basin would undertake to distribute sweet! From this then too there could be something bad.

However, it is not necessary to exclude that the motive of a consent Makkeyn D. on a trip to Donets Basin carried not personal, but almost state or, at the worst, state and commercial character. On one of objects of VSU in Mariupol, at last, the observation complex was established to Ukraine. It is quite possible that our party decided to show to senators that it in working order that from it is stolen nothing and not spent on drink. Whether there were those are happy that saw, it is not known. And here Poroshenko P. it was obviously happy with everything. Both complex, and senators, and by itself. In such degree that, acting with a speech, puzzled listeners with the next riddle on the subject "aggressions" Russian Federation. Two and a half years ago, were declared by him, we had no such complexes, we were blind and deaf, we were defenseless before "aggressor". The question why "aggressor" then did not use it, and began to wait for improvement of equipment of VSU, remained, as always, open. Words about " Ukrainian to occupation Donets Basin" which supposedly has to end soon became a highlight of performance. To explosion of ironic comments on social networks about it on Bank preferred not to react.

In Shirokino and Mariupol "lame" whether roosters, whether hawks Poroshenko P. and Makkeyn D. radiated optimism, swore each other fidelity and friendship, abused, like a sailor, Russian Federation, rattled the saber, promised war to a victory and other nonsenses. The first in a camouflage looked grotesque, the second in sneakers with bright, from far away evident blue laces — it is amusing. When the president mentioned that their train "very very almost" got to Shirokino under attack, having missed each other with a fire rain of all for any thirty-forty minutes, was involuntarily thought that at desire to hit the mark with such perceptible tag would not make special work. The camouflage which has been got on on the neighbor, would not rescue.

In materials of the Ukrainian mass media devoted to visit of senators to Ukraine and their by joint with Poroshenko P. to a trip to Mariupol, the main attention was paid to the president. He in all plots spoke, he explained something. Americans, including the ambassador of United States of America in Ukraine M. and Makkeyn D., were silent more. The type of silent senator involuntarily suggested an idea that the welcome accorded to it and the handed-over award it remained is dissatisfied. a "gratitude" Problem, that is, a liability personally Poroshenko P. and the Kiev mode in front of United States of America represented by administration Obama B. and representatives of Democratic party, such, for example, as Makkeyn D., will be of particular importance, probably, in the nearest future. As, however, and a problem of saving of joint schemes existing now on development of military technical assistance of United States of America to Kiev with the assistance of, on the one hand, Ukrainian legal entities and individuals, with another — a close to democrats business and political community from the American side. Game with a prize in 350 million dollars allocated in the budget of United States of America in 2017. on military support Kiev, costs candles not only for "poor" Ukrainian oligarchs, but also for rich American officials and senators. To distribute to all sisters on earrings in this case hardly it will turn out, especially, if to understand assets and property as "earrings". Alternative — encouragement of Americans not material, and morally, by rewarding with the Ukrainian awards. The question in, whether will suffice at Poroshenko P. awards? And time.

Rud Yakov