Round the world: 6 places on Earth where it is really possible to see mermaids

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Sea Lady. | Photo:

Sea Lady. | Photo:
Within many centuries of the mermaid occupied imagination as sailors, and overland inhabitants. In total interested who they are such: people, animals or fishes. Fortunately, on a planet still there were places where it is possible to see their remains, and here and there - even their live.

1. Cancer with a mummy of the mermaid (Fujinomiya, Japan)

the Main shrine of the Japanese temple – a mummy of the mermaid. | Photo:

the Temple in Fujinomiya, Japan. | Photo:

According to a legend, in the temple of the Japanese city of Fujinomiya store remains of the most ancient of known mermaids. As the history says, this being was to the local prince 1400 years ago, claiming that once was the ordinary fisherman. It was damned because started catching fish in reserved waters. The person mermaid asked the prince to build the temple as a reminder on the mistake. There also placed remains of the damned fisherman that all saw him.

2. Reservoir near power plant Big Bend (Apolo Bich, State of Florida, United States of America)
From far away it is easy to take the manatee floating under water for the real mermaid. | Photo:
of the manatee Floating under water from far away it is easy for a to take div for the real mermaid. | Photo:

which are eaten by the manatee, under water are similar to a flying hair. | Photo:

the opinion Is widespread that myths about mermaids appeared when seamen for the first time saw manatees or sea cows who gracefully floated under waves. Their similarity to mermaids the simply amazing: forward flippers remind hands, and back – a fish tail. These animals eat seaweed which, fluttering, create illusion of hair on the head. And the worrying water surface hides all "shortcomings" of such mermaid, for example her weight. The adult animal up to 3,5 meters long weighs from 500 kilograms to one and a half tons. State of Florida is close simplest to see

of Manatees in warm sewage of power plant in staff. Warm water creates attractive living conditions for these beings who in some way can be considered as mermaids.

3. The Fidzhiysky mermaid in the nature Museum (Grafton, State of Vermont, United States of America)

the Fidzhiysky mermaid in a museum exposition. | Photo:

the Pre-revolutionary Russian card with the image of the fidzhiysky mermaid.
the Fidzhiysky mermaid became known for div, thanks to Phineas Barnum's rough activity – the well-known showman and the impresario of the XIX century. His mermaid represented the mummified being reminding a monkey to which attached a fish tail. Barnum carried it with an exhibition of any "strangenesses" over all country. By its example, "fidzhiysky mermaids" began to appear and in other places. The name they received from far and mysterious (at that time) Fiji in the Pacific Ocean.

the classical fidzhiysky mermaid Shown in photos is stored in the nature Museum in State of Vermont. The rough monster with a terrible grimace is not so similar to the beautiful mermaid from legends. The ugly being bears on itself all signs of a fake of the XIX century. On a face at it dense moustaches so, most likely, it is a man's individual.

4. Henyo – women of the sea (the lake Jeju Special Autonomous Province, South Korea)

of the Diver of the island Jeju Special Autonomous Province. | Photo:

the Woman henyo, the diver from the island Jeju Special Autonomous Province. | Photo:

These South Korean "mermaids" - live women who are engaged in underwater trade. Long time their work was the basis of the economy of the island Jeju Special Autonomous Province. The task of divers includes immersion on 3-5 meters and collecting mollusks and seaweed. "Seafood" then lifts on the coast and sells. They are appreciated very much by Asian gourmets.

the Word "henyo" are meant by "the woman of the sea". And it is valid, each of them has enough diving suit and points for diving. The most skilled henyo can work at depth up to 20 meters. Really, these Korean divers something remind mythical mermaids.

5. Mermaids from Uiki Uesha (Uiki Uesha, State of Florida, United States of America)

Beauty and grace of the mermaid from Uiki Uesha. | Photo:

"City of mermaids" in State of Florida - the most reliable way to see close a Sea Lady in a flesh. Since 1947 here, in a huge aquarium, beautiful girls show fascinating underwater representation. Below a water level observation ports through which it is possible to watch bright tails of gracefully floating mermaids are established. Water always pure and transparent since arrives from an underground source.

6. Statue of the Little Mermaid (Copenhagen, Denmark)

the Statue of the Little Mermaid – the most recognizable symbol Copenhagen. | Photo:

Well-known statue of the Little Mermaid. | Photo:

Well-known statue of the Little Mermaid. | Photo:

Looking at the well-known statue in Copenhagen, apparently, as if it appeared from the sea abyss, as well as the Little Mermaid from the fairy tale Khristian Gans Andersen. The monument created in 1913, attracts crowds of tourists from all over the world. It, without the doubts, the "reference" mermaid who occurs at once: the beautiful girl from above with a fish tail from below.

Now consider mermaids as beauties. And several centuries ago they took a place near the most terrible monsters from a medieval bestiary .