"Dynamo Kazan" – the owner of a female Cup Russian Federation on volleyball of 2016

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In the final the Kazan girls changed "odnoklubnitsa" from Moscow with the score 3:1.

(Kazan, on December 28, "Tatar inform, Anisimov Aleksey). Volleyball players of Kazan "Dynamo" on the house arena became owners of the Cup Russian Federation among women's teams. In a final of tournament of the girl from Republic of Tatarstan changed Moscow "Dynamo" with the score 3:1.

Rivalry of "Dinamo" teams from Moscow and Kazan became long ago classics of female Russian volleyball. Within a country Cup collectives three times in a row played in the finals: two times (the 2011th and 2013) were won by Muscovites, and in 2012 the Kazan girls got a trophy. In the current season two "Dynamo" already played in Moscow in the national championship. The victory with the score 3:2 then remained for volleyball players from the capital Republic of Tatarstan, and before a cup-final the leader of Kazan "Dynamo" Zaryazhko Irina admitted that would like to repeat that result.

In a final the mentor of the Kazan girls Gilyazutdinov Rishat changed p binding – a match in the starting six there began Filishtinskaya Irina. Together with it at hostesses to a platform came Voronkova Irina, Maryukhnich Marina, Stolyarova Darya, Zaryazhko Irina and Elits Vasilev (Libero – Ulanova Catherina).

the Head coach of Moscow "Dynamo" Panchenko Youri from first minutes sent to p behind a trophy Goncharova Natalia, to Betany de la Cruz, Shcherban Iana, Fetisova Irina, Pankova Catherina, Maya Polyak and Libero Malova  Anna. In the final by results of lot the Moscow volleyball players were considered as hostesses of a platform, but upon them there were "dinamovka" from Republic of Tatarstan – "The final of four" Cup Russian Federation passed all on a platform of the Kazan center of volleyball "St. Petersburg".

the First set of the competitor begin in persistent fight, and advantage of one of teams seldom reaches two points. Before the first technical timeout of a match Voronkova Irina twice one in one blocks attacks of competitors and brings to the team %2B2 (8:6). In one of the following episodes of the hostess of a platform again prove on the block – Vasileva stops attack Goncharova Natalia (13:9). Improbable zaryazhennost show on only the Kazan volleyball players, but also the trainer Gilyazutdinov Rishat – in one of episodes he very actively shows discontent with the judicial decision. To the second technical break of the Muscovite managed to reduce to a minimum lag in the account (16:15). However, in an ending of the hostess of a platform get to itself 3 points (23:20). Having given one point, the Kazan girls received at once three setbola and realized the third of them – after attack Voronkova Irina the ball from hands blocking departed to a miss (25:23).

On start of the second party small advantage volleyball players from Moscow have p: the Kazan girls began a thicket to be mistaken and "presented" to competitors a gap in three points (8:5). Gilyazutdinov Rishat right there reacts to it replacement binding – instead of Filishtinskaya Irina on a platform there are Startseva Eugenia. However shift did not bring result, and soon advantage of the Moscow team became double (12:6). Could liquidate it volleyball players from Republic of Tatarstan to the set middle, having made breakthrough with the score 9:3. After the second technical break the Kazan team at all came forward (18:16). In a set ending the master's block actively works – Voronkova Irina once again stop Maya (21:17). On the set finish Kazan "dinamovka" play built and surely, and the victory in party to them is given by Vasileva's attack (25:20).

In the third set of team again go level with (8:8) and do not allow to come off seriously each other in the account. Not the best match is played by the leader of Muscovites Goncharova Natalia: the ball after two of its attacks on start of party goes to a miss. At Kazan brightly plays Zaryazhko Irina – it is productive both on the block, and in attack, and on giving. The Kazan block, by the way, this evening is uncontrollable: Maryukhnich Marina "covers" De la Cruz and brings to the team the next point (14:10). As soon as Muscovites manage to approach slightly in the account (17:14), Gilyazutdinov Rishat right there makes the return replacement binding, and Filishtinskaya Irina. Twice through Maya gives and evens the scores (18:18), and the mistake Stolyarova Darya in attack removes the Moscow team forward. Reaction Gilyazutdinov Rishat does not keep itself waiting – a timeout and the next shift on a position binding (again in game Startseva Eugenia).

the Third party gives to fans an equal ending (21:21). Guests the first earn setbol, but Vasileva's jeweler discount transfers party to game on more-less (24:24). However, the error of a doigrovshchitsa from Bulgaria leaves a set behind team from Moscow (28:26) and keeps an intrigue in this final.

Total defeat on a platform on start of the fourth party – 5:1 in favor of Kazan "Dynamo". To the first technical break advantage of hostesses in four points remains (8:4). Before a break proved Startseva Eugenia twice: at first it blocked a discount of the competitor, and in the following draw stopped the block attack Shcherban Iana. Muscovites in the following draws show that they too are able to play on the block, but Startseva Eugenia add a variety to the transfers and involves all the forwards. To the party middle the separation of the Kazan girls reaches seven points (16:9). On giving Maryukhnich Marina the Kazan girls collect some breykovy points and simply smash the competitors (23:13). Zaryazhko Irina brings to hostesses of a platform at once ten matchballs and lifts up all fans in the volleyball center. Cup Russian Federation attack brings to Kazan "Dynamo" Stolyarova Darya – 25:15 in the fourth party and 3:1 in a match.

Volleyball, Cup Russian Federation. Final. Women.
"Dynamo" (Moscow) – "Dynamo Kazan" – 1:2 (23:25, 20:25, 28:26, 15:25).

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Irina Filishtinskaya
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION BK "YENISEY")
Irina Voronkov
Марина Владимировна Марюхнич
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (Independent noncommercial organization "Zhensky Volleyball club "Dinamo-Kazan")
Darya Stolyarova
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball in the Leningradka team (Non-commercial partnership "Sports club "Kapitan")