Soccer. Head coach of zhodinsky "Torpedo": we became team with which our leading clubs reckon even

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this year zhodinsky "Torpedo-BELAZ" fairly made a noise and in the championship, in League Europe. And the head coach of team received a set of flatter responses.

Spustya month after the season termination the mentor of zhodinets Kriushenko Igor met the correspondent to sum up the championship results, to talk about Euro cups, judges, emotions and the national team.

— Inter-season period is the period of transfers. Naturally, "Torpedo" also works in this direction.

— Yes, with someone already were prolonged by contracts, to someone about it talked. Children think, we wait. It is clear that it is heavy to us to compete in the financial plan with BATE, Minsk "Dynamo", "Miner". Now, probably, and with Brest it will be difficult. With "Minsk» in respect of geography. At each club the pluses and minuses, "Torpedo" in line for football players not the first. We adequately estimate the opportunities, children who to us will be able to go. We conduct negotiations with legionaries. Work goes in all directions.

— the Last year's situation when a team was gathered almost from scratch, will not be?

— it will not be exact. Children are re-signed, we tried to keep frame at once upon termination of the championship. — While the question on goalkeepers is open for


— To children talked, there will be still a meeting with the management where all points will be finally placed.

— During the season passed viewing in "Torpedo" the Estonian Lipin Maxime. What on it will tell?

— It me was pleasant to strong. Quite good level, right foot working. But I compare to the same Afanasyev, and you know that the legionary has to be one head stronger than the Belarusian to play. We keep in mind of the Estonian, a lot of things will depend and on that number of legionaries on which the federation management will stop. It will be known only at the end of January.

— As you reacted to the offer of Brest "Dynamo" to increase number of legionaries?

— it is positive, supported this idea. I would increase number of foreigners in teams to five. Let will pass year, then it is possible to look what changes happened, and whether there were they in principle. Then it is possible to move further. The competition needs unambiguously to be created. The same Belarusians have to feel that for a place it is necessary to fight. In it, certainly, positive influence.

— This innovation can divide our commands for who has money and who is able to afford legionaries, and on the others.

— And at us for a long time it is so broken. And not only to Belarus, and in any championship. To Spain, Italy is teams, at which on 5-6 points, at leaders – for 40. It is the natural moment, in sports in a different way does not happen. Delimitation was, is and will be.

— whether Is now to Belarus football players whom you very much want to see in "Torpedo"?

— I did not think of it because I proceed first of all from this, the football player will agree to pass to us or not. And to dream not harmfully, as they say.

— Was information on interest besides Aliseyko who as a result went to Brest.

— Yes, but as I told, to us it is already heavy to strong to compete with "Dynamo Brest" in the financial plan.

— Considering how played "Torpedo" in 2016, maybe, will place emphasis on protection strengthening?

— Anyway the team has to have 3-4 tactical schemes for a season. And in three central defenders as we acted in a season, and in two. Everything depends on what material at you in hands. At the beginning of 2016 we had such football players with whom we tried one scheme, another. Did not approach. Passed to other tactics.

is natural, any trainer wants that his team played beautiful soccer, got points. But work of the trainer always estimate by result. I understand that the viewer wants beauty in the field but if there is no result thus, will tell "good-bye". Here logic simple: the system which brings points gets out, and the team tries to adhere to it.

— That is if in the next season beautiful soccer of "Torpedo" does not bring result, we will not see it, and we will watch only game at a gain of points? — While I can tell nothing strong to

. But, playing in the same League Europe, it was once again convinced that there is no soccer purely from defense, there is no soccer attacking. To eat simply accents towards which periodically you incline. Even the analysis of games of the last championship Europe showed that win not those teams which own a ball and the territory, and what well fulfill a transition phase from defense in attack more. As fast as possible and without loss. It is salt of modern soccer.

— Continuing a subject of players, it is worth remembering, as during the season someone left. Whom it was heaviest to leave?

— With Skavysh and Chumak. These are two key football players, the forward and the basic halfback. We really felt then their loss, missed some important points.

— Clear a situation according to Lipin Maxime when on June 27 he declares that anywhere is not going to leave, and the 29th goes to Israel.

— It he, probably, declared strong to the press. We agreed that till the end we will not advertize this moment because talked to it, hoped to keep. But the financial component played one of key roles. Even participation in League Europe did not hold Skavysh at us.

Maxim Skavysh

— And you personally too talked to it?

— Certainly. I in general declared to football players that they for me as children, I give them part of the soul, the knowledge, I try to bring up. I want that they were with me, are true. And I tried to leave Lipin Maxime they were captains. Also it was in an amicable way surprised and glad for Chelyadinsky that he at such age was called by "Dynamo". We with quiet soul released it as with the central defenders we had no deficiency.

— you said About Gleb Vyacheslav. And Gleb Vyacheslav is free to make itself the decisions, any offenses.

— As far as I know, you had a conflict to Bliznyuk Gennady after a match with "Miner".

— the Conflict was not, simply there were hard words for my part. Bliznyuk Gennady behaved professionally, practically the word in reply did not tell, was not rude. When I invited Bliznyuk Gennady a predominant force who in the championship closes all questions in the fall. And play-off is a cup moment. But we and so have a Cup. Probably, once you make any stage, but not such truncated (with four teams), offered. Perhaps it is necessary to make with participation of the eight first in a cup form or to play a circle in the eights. And so, the offered option, increases the accident moment. And one more minus – the championship termination practically in the winter.

— And in the summer at us a break for a month.

— It is probably created by strong for more successful performance of teams in Euro cups. In these terms qualification starts. But if the team gets to Euro cups, it has to have a long bench to play on two fronts.

— "Torpedo" helped this break with the current season?

— I consider that helped. Let and me be negative to it, but it helped to reboot to us. New people came. There was a bowl game where we tried them, were played. Plus was tightened in addition by standards to autumn part of the championship. But, besides, for the whole month it should not stretch. Because then we play on the frozen fields, in uncomfortable conditions for the audience.

— this year to zhodinets managed to be played and at good stadiums, and on good fields within League Europe. You began with "Debrecen". Successful lot?

— At first apprehended not really well. Because there were others to team which were at first sight more passable, than Hungarians. And considering that still in due time with a scratch "Debrecen" passed BATE, it too guarded.

— Expecting to win, what result as a whole you considered?

—. The rival had an optimum because between two games with "Torpedo" "Debrecen" had a meeting within the championship readiness. But, probably, there was an underestimation as the seventh team Belarus resisted. Having lost houses, they arrived to Zhodino in very serious mood to show that house failure is an accident. And we played very adequately and practically did not give anything to create to the rival who constantly attacked.

— After these matches fans of "Debrecen" called you to head club.

— Conversations were, but they conversations and remained.

— Not only from fans?

— Without comments.

— After Hungarians got Vienna "Slow motion".

— It is the most serious rival who could get to us at that stage. "Slow motion" was in full operation, staked on League Europe. But we could play Zhodino 0:0, did not allow the rival almost any opportunities to hammer. And in a guest match to the middle of the first time kept, and then the annoying mistake of the defender forced to reconstruct game on more open, but in attack there was no such potential to pressure the rival.

— Players of "Slow motion" said that "Torpedo" to them showed that such katenachcho.

— If we played strong with them open soccer and houses, and on departure, everything could end for us is deplorable in Zhodino.

— And here we come back to a question that the main thing result, instead of beauty.

— Turns out that so. But it with stronger rivals. And if to you resists equal or weaker, naturally, we will try to play more attack, houses – the first number. It is necessary to play with other teams more strictly behind and to try to advance quickly from defense to the attack.

— you were not surprised by that moment, what before a reciprocal meeting any local journalist did not come to Austria to your press conference?

— Besides, an indicator of how they concerned us, that is beat to a match. It everything suited us. And if not a ridiculous mistake in the first time, everything could develop more successfully.

— And our journalists on a course of performance of "Torpedo" in Euro cups did not stint compliments and to team, and personally in yours. Compared team to "Atletiko", Khodasevich Nicholas said that, having passed "Debrecen", you during the season can become Zhodino's hero.

— Yes, I remember these words. But, I think, it would happen if we took still a prize in the championship. And so the season can be considered satisfactory. Won the Cup, adequately played in League Europe. And, as Khlus Mikhail correctly told, we became team with which our leading clubs reckon even, we constantly fight for places above. But something does not suffice to us a little. Probably, stability, after all turnover of staff in team are. There has to be an opportunity to sign the football player on couple of seasons and to work with him, knowing that anybody will not pull out him. And so from year to year we lose the best.

— After the termination of the cup final you believed, what "Torpedo" will be possible to act so successfully in League Europe?

— If it is honest, right after a match I did not think of it. When the Marten with Rumas awarded, hung up a medal, I told that we will try not to be fixed. There were emotions, euphoria. As at the same Valery Petrovich Fomichev who said hello to Khatskevich. Yes, it is nonsense, words of the guy young on emotions. But that you will make when emotions whip. It is necessary with we understand to treat it.

— When emotions cooled down, started planning work within League Europe.

— Remembered that there will be a moment of a transfer of players, approximately knew who will abandon us. The same Chumak who we had in rent only for half a year. Generally, I knew that before League Europe it will be necessary to become stronger.

— In comparison with other Belarusian participating clubs of Euro cups, "Torpedo" in spite of the fact that did not leave in group, left for many optimum impression.

— Probably because game in our execution was worthy. Plus it gave also result. It is pleasant to me that fans adequately estimated strength of rivals who got to us. And, having lost 3:0 to Austria, anybody did not throw a stone into our kitchen garden. At the same time thanks to League Europe we returned to the championship with such confidence of the forces that it was simply pleasant to look at football players. As though game did not develop, I knew that they will fight to the last and will achieve a victory. And, coming for game, we were strong team.

— As in your opinion why this year Belarus remained without eurofall?

— Here it is a lot of factors, but more I will write off for combination of circumstances. "Dynamo" was difficult, considering all their problems. "Miner" wants from year to year and tries, but it is difficult to me to estimate, without knowing all situation from within. And BATE quite could pass, but annoying mistakes and defeats … had to break off "Dundalk" in Borisov, and on a visit one mistake – received a goal, the team came psychologically cracked to the second time. Though on performers to the borisovchena is stronger than "Dundalk". "Astana" there had to beat and pass in group of League Europe. But as with Karagandy combination of circumstances, and here approximately the same. BATE was worthy groups of Euro cups, but the key moments in oppositions with "Dundalk" and "Astana" appeared not in favor of Belarusians.

— U BATE was many failures in this season, and if it is so possible to tell, start it put "Torpedo", having selected the Cup Belarus.

— I would not began to blame for everything us. It too soccer, a penalty is a lottery. Simply at that moment we, probably, were psychologically stronger.

— Why the final turned out such frankly boring?

— Probably because one team is a priori stronger another. Naturally, the corresponding tactics on game was chosen. In general, there is a good proverb: "Games are won by attack, and titles are won by defense". Everything is simple, everything is thought up to us, it is just necessary to show consideration for aphorisms.

— you did not consider other options, except how to play with BATE from defense?

— When the rival has such performers in the average line, in group of attack, naturally, playing in four defenders, they could have more zones for actions. We simply tried to block all zones. I think, any team would play accurately with BATE in the final. I will not tell that is so deep in defense as we, but it is precisely accurate. — you it is aware of

, what some audience even fell asleep on a match?

— As I already told strong, any performing moments, how many ability to defend here are not so important. After all it too art. I do not think that the zhodinsky audience slept. They supported us all match, for what I am very grateful to them. It really gave forces. And who slept, a flag to them in hands. I will not teach the person to find any moments of art that the team defends. Believe, it is enormous work on trainings, working off of interactions, movements.

— As chose penaltist?

— At each stage we before reciprocal game on trainings punched strong penalty kicks, on two-three penalties children executed. And, doing replacements in the final, was guided including on penalty kicks. The same Denis Trapashko let out which not bad executes. Kvashuka. That is cool football players who do not have a difference, who before them. I already had an approximate list of penaltist.

— the First approached to a ball Klopotsky Eugenie and did not hammer. What thought at that moment?

— thought Nothing. Inside there was a bitterness, disappointment. The devastation was not because it only began. Then everything was corrected, Valery Petrovich Fomichev proved from the best party. And here when Dubra did not hammer, I will honestly tell, there came a devastation, at all there were no forces to rejoice. Still Kapsky Anatoly approached, congratulated, Yermakovich Alexander. I had no emotions. Then cooled down, approached to fans, thanked for support.

— you already remembered after match words Valery Petrovich Fomichev

— At you was many claims to refereeing at the end of the championship.

— They concerned more public assessment of refereeing, at emergence of questions from teams, instead of the banal answer that quality of shooting does not allow to estimate work of the arbitrator. Children, we in the XXI century! Force commands to remove three chambers. Or all this suits you?

— did not restrain you and after the last round, having told that "this prostitution" bothered.

— I so called strong all process, instead of specifically game. Yes, the match gave an impetus to these words. But as a whole I called all process. Offended nobody therefore I do not know, for what two matches of disqualification also a penalty appointed gave me. The word "prostitution" not abusive, was not carried to someone to the particular person. I stated the point of view in a correct form. If it is unpleasant to someone, please, unsubscribe through mass media. And we have a silence. Not all love the truth.

— Even now, arguing on this subject, you are a little brought.

— Yes, I am delivered by strong. Coming back and remembering as all this was. I want to pay attention to one moment still. To our game in the last round sent five arbitrators though in Babruysk was the major match – for place preservation in the Highest league. Why there not to send these judges? I simply do not understand those people who are responsible for judicial appointments. Whatever spoke about Zhukov, he always remained a professional. He is a person on the place. Other moment – that happened this misfortune. But, by and large, now fully anybody cannot replace it. Zhukov constantly gave answers through the press, was open. Clearly, opinions could disperse and often we argued, but he never hid, in sand as the ostrich did not bury the head.

— As you reacted to news about Zhukov's detention?

— it is natural, it was unpleasant that the person whom you know generally from a positive side, and personally, got into such situation. I consider that it is accident.

— What punishment deserves Zhukov?

— Not to me to condemn. I will not act as the lawyer, the accuser. Purely properly I am sorry. And article which is sounded, even two it is very serious. I consider that its act does not pull for such terms which threaten it.

— Unfortunately, "Zhukov's business" – not the only scandal in this season. How you think why in 2016 there are so much negative events, including fixed matches? — Me it is difficult to strong to estimate

, the combination of circumstances is simple, probably. Fixed matches are a nonsense, naturally, such should not be. And this infection needs to be eradicated, in a different way in any way. On punishment of "Islochi"? Probably, strictly, but, besides, not to me to judge. If the federation says that proceeded from world experience, means it is necessary to make the decision.

— After emerged all this information, you talked to the players?

— No, I did not see in it sense. I knew and was sure that we have in this plan an order. When I take children when I communicate, I talk before the conclusion of the contract, I hope that they decent that the nasty sheep in team will not be.

— As far as for you human qualities of the football player are important?

— Probably, equally with game.

— Go discussions, what and who would make on a place Zhukovskoy Vitaly. As though you arrived? — it is difficult to strong to tell

. It too accident that "Isloch" got in similar to a situation. If it is honest, there is no wish to argue on this subject. — If we tell

about "Islochi", it was pleasant to you in this season?

— At least toothy team, with the certain style. In our championship it brought the highlight.

— Other beginners.

— As also "Gorodey", with the style. "Krumkachy" are in own way interesting. Public relations at high level. At the beginning of the championship the team went not bad, then, however, everything declined. Anyway with these teams it was not boring.

— you said at the beginning of the championship that quality of game did not fall. Now the opinion did not exchange?

— Certainly, no. Probably, there were less bright performers, but, aspiration to a victory all teams have combativity. Just like that now you will not beat anybody. The only problem – is no place to take feed in the person of highly skilled football players. Even BATE with it is difficult, they consider legionaries. It is less than bright performers, but level of opposition is rather high.

— Now returned to the Highest league "Gomel" and "Dnepr". Wait from them for real fight?

— Always there. Both Gerashchenko, and Sednev – experts of high level. The only question, how financial component will allow to be completed adequately.

— In 2017 expects us battle of trainers of skilled, deserved, real mastodons. It is separate history of a season.

— Me it is always interesting to strong to resist to the colleagues. After all whom take, all trainers with psychology of winners who for something fought, in career won something. Really, in this plan there will be in the championship an additional interest.

— Some journalists managed to compare you to the Portuguese Fernanda Santushy.

— it is honest, did not hear the such. By the way, when read the statistical report of the championship Europe, came across the good phrase: "Sometimes it is necessary to be pragmatic. It is healthy to show spectacular soccer, but not always with it it is possible to win tournaments". He won with pragmatist tactics, having thus enough bright players. The choice of tactical schemes and ability to change them during one game becomes art.

— Santush achieved progress from the national team. Perhaps came time and you to head our "natsionalka"?

— I do not want to make comments on it. Both I do not want to speak in detail about refereeing, and I will bypass this subject. Is to a lump to think of it. I can express the opinion only. I will agree with Baydachny meaning that the trainer of the national team, first, has to love the homeland. Patriotism cultivates additional spirit which, probably, did not suffice us. Secondly, the trainer has to know the Belarusian championship well. Thirdly, to be to strong tactics, fourthly, the psychologist.

— By searches of the next mentor of the national team arises your surname. Whether there is a probability, what you sometime take up this position?

— It besides a question not to me. Yes, on the one hand, it is the moment pleasant which is additional incentive in work. But, on the other hand, not everything in this situation depends on me. So what to make comments and speak I do not see sense.

— Ahead the new season, new tasks. And what you personally for yourselves set the purposes?

— I do not like it to sound strong. The person puts them for himself. I always have ambitions. When they vanish, sense to work is not present. Having arrived to Novosibirsk, me too asked about tasks. I answered that we will aspire to a victory in each game. And when you start speaking globally, it presses on team, on players personally. After one-two unsuccessful games nervousness begins. So in this plan it is necessary to be accurate and to leave the ambitions at itself.

— whether As far as now for you recognition by the best trainer Belarus is important and important in general?

— Probably when was younger, it got more. And now creation of a play of the team in modern style and result when the club achieves success gives more pleasures. Here these two moments bring pleasure. Public recognition in our life, probably, for me faded into the background. I have other values. Yes, recognition but if there is no it is pleasant, all the same I continue to work, live, and I derive from all this pleasure. And that else is necessary for the normal person in zhiznè…