Horoscope for today: December 20, 2016

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Learn that to you prepared stars this day. Read our detailed horoscope for today, on December 20, 2016.
Horoscope for today: December 20, 2016

Life often gives us surprises, and not always they are unfortunately pleasant. New Year's Eve efforts, searches of gifts, business which need to manage to be finished until the end of the 2016th and many other things can unsettle us. Nevertheless, all this chaos of events is there is our life. Therefore sometimes it is necessary to relax and make only the considered decision how to cope with the piled heap of cares. And the astrological horoscope of Joinfo.ua, as always, will be by the way.
the General horoscope for today on December 20

the Moon is in the sign Maiden. Time remarkably is suitable for any laborious work which demands thoughtfulness, attentiveness and serious approach. All directions of financial activity, at serious approach, more than ever will bring the corresponding material remuneration. This day there will be successful any bank operations and operations with real estate. Moreover, study, professional development and any self-improvement will be much better to move ahead.

Recommendation : this day it is desirable for strong to throw addictions. Strangely enough, exactly today it will pass for you successfully and easily. Also you should prefer collective work instead of the independent. It will be more productive. To relax, can play sports or accept water procedures.

Prevention for today: Try to keep in all order today. It concerns both a desktop, and your thoughts. Get rid of all garbage which saves negative energy to release a place for positive emotions.

We bring to your attention our business a horoscope and a health horoscope . They will help you to use rationally time both for work, and for health improvement.
Important planetary aspects for December 20, 2016

the Moon is in a decreasing phase in zodiac sign the Maiden . Today is under the auspices of Mars. During this period of lunar month it is already possible to sum up the first results of the efforts enclosed before. Happening changes of moods can belong not only to business area, but also private life. Today it is recommended to try something new. As for the relations, now it is worth paying attention to the loved one.

Other planetary aspects for today.

Trigon of the Moon with Pluto (00:41); the Moon square with Saturn (7:19). Try to make carefully the plan for all day to manage to finish all affairs.
the Detailed horoscope for December 20, 2016 for each zodiac sign

the Aries. you are expected Today by the mass of surprises. And the main thing that all of them will be pleasant. So enjoy.

Taurus. this day you after all will be able to solve the main problem which pursues you throughout some time. After it all other issues will be resolved one by one.

Twins. you are expected by an interesting event, it is possible even historical. For all day you will look forward when it happens. Distract that time went quicker.

Cancer. by means of phone can be learned, what about relatives or friends. Try to call always to them, after all your call lightens mood.

Lion. Get it together. Most likely, you fell in love and you other person operates. So good luck to you.

Maiden. Even if to you will be told today something long ago known, pretend as if hear it for the first time. It will be twice pleasant to you to observe someone's naive and lovely smile.

Scales. this day you will be very verbose. On the simplest question which demands the answer "yes" or "no", you will find the mass of explanations and examples. It certainly is good, but try not to talk the classified information.

Scorpion. should not work too much Now. If you have such opportunity, simply idle. Believe, to you for it will be nothing.

Sagittarius. Today you will be able to see what it is not given another. For example, you will see that the person has a dirty chin (without mirror he will not see it), a spot on a collar (the same reason) or a nape hair are adjusted on communication with space. For day it is more than anything large-scale it is not expected.

Capricorn. this day to you precisely should not miss. Continually you will get to interesting situations.

Aquarius. Now you will strive for perfection. Everything that incorrectly costs/lies at once will draw your attention. But you put everything on the places and everywhere where you appear, becomes pure.

of Fish. Life is very various and fine. Today you are convinced again of it.

The astrological horoscope, as well as always, was made by Veronina Veronica for subscribers of Join Info-Media. If you still had some questions, suggest you to read the general horoscope for December, 2016 . You will precisely find necessary information in it.
For what birthday today on December 20 – a horoscope

on December 20 were born: actress Boyarskaya Elizabeth , actress Joanna "Dzhodzho" Leveski , football player Ashley Cole , actress De Bur Nicole , actress Shulyatyeva Varvara .

the General horoscope for been born on December 17 . Given rise on December 20 constantly generate ideas which force to increase people around the activity. Their ability to show an initiative is really huge. Not especially troubling itself with an embodiment of own projects and ideas in life and especially administrative matters, they prefer to start the following task how will lay the foundation of the previous. However their undertakings, as a rule, receive continuation, and they, thus, make to themselves good reputation.

Sequence of numbers for you : " 2 " (Moon), " 3 " (Jupiter), " 7 " (Neptune).

Colour : violet and its shades.

Is congratulated on Day Anton Angel, Grigory, Lev, Pavel, Ignat and Ivan.

Ashley Cole
Last position: The head coach of youthful team for players up to 15 years (Football club "Chelsi")
Elizabeth Boyarskaya
Last position: Actress
Veronina Veronica
De Bur Nicole