The tennis player Andrew Marrey is recognized as the athlete of year to United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland according to BBC News

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Moscow, 19 Dec — Sport News Agency "R-Sport". the Olympic champion Marrey Rio - de-Janeyro the tennis player Andrew Marrey became the athlete of 2016 to United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland according to BBC News, is reported on the official site of the telebroadcasting organization .

during poll 29-year-old Andrew Marrey collected over 247,4 thousand votes that is twice more, than at the triathlete who has taken the second place Braunli Alister.

"It, and I very much am proud of that was part of it", - Andrew Marrey told.

Besides a victory in the single category at 2016 Summer Olympics Marrey in 2016 won Wimbledon, total tournament of Association of professional tennis players (ATP) in London , and also for the first time in career were headed by ATP rating .

Andrew Marrey received an award for the third time. Earlier it was awarded as the best athlete United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2013 and 2015.