Trusov Nicholas declared that began preparation for a cycle season-2017 earlier, than usually

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Saint Petersburg, 18 Dec - Sport News Agency "R-Sport", Gibadieva Veronica. the Russian bicycle racer Trusov Nicholas declared strong to Sport News Agency "R-Sport" that returned to trainings earlier, than usually, after the termination of a season-2016 and will prepare for the Australian races as a part of pro-continental team "Gazprom-Rusvelo".

"Gazprom-Rusvelo" which in 2017 will support Trusov Nicholas, starts on a number of races to Australia at the end of January beginning of February. On Saturday to Italy the presentation of a new line-up took place.

'Started training earlier as also the season early finished, - told Trusov Nicholas. - At the end of January I start to Australia, before Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race will be still kriterium further according to the plan. On "classics" still it is necessary to wait for confirmations, but to "Dzhiro" I approximately know the plan".


"All new - well forgotten old, - told Trusov Nicholas, answering a question of what feels feelings from return to team in which knows many racers and managers. - I know Renat (Hamidulin) since 2002 when he the first came running to congratulate in the championship Europe on juniors when "prosecution" won. Sergei Aleksandrovich Klimov, Serova Alexandra, , of course, well I know Pasha Brutt. It is necessary to get acquainted with young children still, well and we will go races, we will work".

Trusov Nicholas
Gibadieva Veronica
Klimov Sergei
Serova Alexandra