Donald Trump nominated to a post of the head of republicans the niece rejected Mitt Romni

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National committee is governing body of Republican Party.

the Electee President of the United States Donald Trump nominated to a position the chairman of the state committee of Republican Party Ronna McDaniel, the niece of the former candidate for a post President of the United States Mitt Romni .

At present Ronna McDaniel holds a post of the head of office of party in State of Michigan. "And I know that it will bring the same passion in National committee of Republican Party" — gives the channel the announcement of Donald Trump .

Donald Trump almost with guarantee will provide to

R. McDaniel this position, however it should conduct as before for it campaign, told the channel.

It is supposed

that vote on the candidate McDaniel will pass in the middle of winter of the forthcoming year with participation of 168 members of NKRP.<"16>"

Mitt Romni was the candidate from Republican Party at presidential election in 2012, but suffered defeat in fight against the democrat Barack Obama.

Trump explained why to him the passion of the niece Romney is necessary