Director of development businesses companies 2TEST Kukudzhanov Alexander: "We created the unique decision

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In interview Kukudzhanov Alexander, the Director of development companies 2TEST told businesses about innovative approach to automation and management of engineering infrastructure of the enterprises and the organizations on the basis of the new developed decision 2TEST – "PROFIOFIS", about a role of open source software in creation highly intellectual and economically and energetically effective systems and also as development technologies Internet of things will transform the usual concept of the "clever" building. the idea of creation of system of PROFIOFIS appeared

- As? What time was taken by system development?

- Company 2TEST is engaged some years in implementation of projects of automation of production and technological processes in different branches of economy. The main examination acquired in this segment businesses, is connected with deliveries of convergent control systems and the backbone equipment. Now this segment businesses designate the industrial Internet or Internet of things. We constantly expand business, we come to new segments of the market. Possessing competence of the relation of automation of technological processes, we started looking for new niches in a mass segment of the market. First of all we paid attention to a segment of corporate real estate, namely – to problems of creation of the unified life support systems of buildings and opportunity to cut operational costs of corporate customers.

Usually in one office room various separate engineering subsystems are established to

: lighting, heating, video surveillance, control access, notification system.

We came to a conclusion that extent of automation and integration these systems does not meet the modern requirements of their use by end users.

Convergence of IT systems and an automation equipment of buildings

Various engineering subsystems are based by

Convergence of IT systems and automation equipment of buildings and data exchange protocols. Each subsystem demands separate infrastructure, power supply, management and components and that is important – the qualified specially trained personnel. Introduction and operation of such systems it is interfaced to heavy expenses. All these systems cannot provide convenience of using to each separately taken consumer and give real economy – decrease in operational costs.

Having analysed these questions, we reflected on possibility of creation of the uniform system uniting all engineering infrastructure, on open IT standards.

Evolution of technologies automation of engineering systems led to possibility of use protocols IP as the integrating environment. In our decision all engineering subsystems are realized on uniform IP architecture. As a result, the life support system of buildings is considered as a uniform, homogeneous environment of management and allows to solve qualitatively new problems of efficiency, ergonomics and integration with business processes.

the Digital building of the future – one IP network for all appendices

Implementation of this concept in the solution of PROFIOFIS took with

The digital building of the future – one IP network for all appendices. Something is for a long time in our market. Our decision is the finished product which represents a hardware-software complex with the realized functionality. The decision is easily integrated into an existing IT landscape of corporate customers.

- In brief tell about the main characteristics of system? On what technologies it is based? What IT solutions are used in system?

- at the heart of the decision realized system approach to design of the uniform convergent environment for IT and engineering systems on the basis of technologies by FTTO. It is the organization of a network for ring topology with use and intelligent devices: IP switchboards, controlers of lighting, stations of the voice notification (Intercom station), locks of Internet of things, Wi-Fi controlers for the organization of a wireless network. The main advantage of the decision is that all components are realized on open IT technologies. The system software is realized on Linux OS. For all devices which are a part of the decision, language of applied programming is developed.

All elements of system will be organized by

at logical level. You can appoint by it certain functions, can unite some devices in group for the solution of one or several tasks, tie infrastructure to business processes. It opens great opportunities for active management of engineering subsystems and first of all – gives the chance to achieve essential decrease in power consumption of buildings, sometimes for 60%.

the Director of development businesses companies 2TEST Kukudzhanov Alexander

- For whom is designed by

Director of business development of the company 2TEST Alexander Kukudzhanov) or projects are developed on the basis of initial system?

is a decision will suit any enterprise which thought of a problem of decrease in the operational costs. It can be and small office of an average businesses and the developed economy of the big companies. We use the unified components. We fulfilled architecture. It gives the chance to us to apply the decision to different systems. It can be control systems of heating, lighting, control access in classical office rooms. It can be control systems of important technological processes. Developing PROFIOFIS, we set the task to realize the maximum opportunities on the minimum listed products and we consider that we managed it.

- PROFIOFIS combines in himself some directions of automation – from management of engineering systems to the organization of labor process. How it was succeeded to combine quite different competences within one platform?

- We approached unconventionally to the solution of a task. We did not begin to use existing technologies data transmission, the excess nomenclature of controlers, sensors, means monitorings. We realized new ideology in which functions of engineering systems are defined not by devices, and applied programs. Applied programs, in turn, are defined by enterprise business processes. We decided that the most convenient environment of data exchange between level of business processes and engineering infrastructure is IP. For integration and development is used such means as Java, XML, a programming language of scripts, - all those tools which IT specialists and system integrators got used to use.

One of options of the organization of a workplace

One of options of the organization of a workplace

At hardware level, our devices of which the target architecture is under construction, provide direct management of various engineering subsystems.

Realization of functionality of functioning of engineering systems at applied program level ensures flexibility of a configuration and control.

can consider Such system approach innovative. This decision follows in the general direction of developments technologies clever houses and Internet of things. We are proud of that we can propose the finished commercial solution. We did not start from scratch. We made use of long-term experience of application of our decisions and technologies in ASUTP systems in various branches, for example, on railway transport in MPTs systems (microprocessor centralization), on sea transport, in the oil and gas industry.

- Who is the consumer of PROFIOFIS? Where this system can be applied?

- as a whole, we allocate for ourselves the following perspective markets: it is commercial sector of real estate, sector of residential real estate of a business class. It can be interesting to banks, the state customers, the power and oil and gas enterprises, - that is where questions energy efficiencies, safety, integration with business processes are defining and financially sensitive.

- As you estimate system of PROFIOFIS from the point of view of reliability and safety?

- the Equipment applied in PROFIOFIS – an industrial class. This high-quality, reliable, stable equipment which has proved the working capacity in practice. We very seriously treat questions of ensuring safety. PROFIOFIS uses ring topology of the organization of a network. Restoration speed in such network at break – 50 milliseconds. PROFIOFIS uses reservation on food, has stable system software, level of applied programming is realized on executed scripts. There is no need to interfere with system software. All this speaks well for high reliability of system. As it is necessary to mention that our decision is constructed by the principle of the decentralized architecture, and it means that as an element of management the central systems, and access switchboards serve not, that is the potential point of refusal in system is displaced down to workplace level. Application of technologies double rings significantly reduces probability of emergence of refusal in system. Other systems possessing such characteristics on reliability are unknown to us.

- What time is required on decision introduction depending on specifics and the size of companies (enterprises)?

is depends on several factors: the size of the enterprise, level of the organization of the business processes, existing IT landscape, extent of preparation of rooms. The basic scenario turns on mechanisms of management of light, heating, access and the workplace organization with integration with a working calendar. Such introduction for small enterprise can take one-two months. Right after introduction the customer will feel economy of the electric power, heat, will estimate convenience of management of access and control behind workplaces. For large and difficult projects we provided possibility of the conclusion of power service contracts on introduction of energy saving technologies without capital expenditure from customers.

- whether PROFIOFIS Will acquire additional modules? And how system support is carried out?

- PROFIOFIS as a live organism. It provides further development. We will expand possibilities of system with new hardware components and program opportunities.

We consider that PROFIOFIS is the powerful tool for development and deployment of applied systems of various type in absolutely different branches of our economy. We are open to cooperation with system integrators and developers of application software.

Within the current offer we render

guarantee and post-guarantee maintenance, consultation of our customers and partners.

- Than PROFIOFIS differs from competitive products, solving the same problems other means?

- our main advantage is the absolutely new ideology which is cornerstone of the solution of PROFIOFIS. Let's consider analogy to the ordinary printer. Whether long ago you used the igolochny printer with parallel LPT port in which different fonts were set on chips by the special device-programmatorom? I saw such devices last time, probably, about 12 years ago. Now all modern printers are equipped with the standard USB interface, the majority has Ethernet port and Wi-Fi, and we precisely do not think how to force the printer to understand fonts, graphics, a photo which we want to print from the laptop, phone or a tablet. Now printers are integrated into clouds, they can be operated far off from Internet or other appendices. A similar analogy can be drawn and concerning systems of industrial and engineering automation. The majority of decisions existing in the market from other producers is based on technologies which already is more than 15 have some. At first made mechanical switches, then constructed machine guns. Then constructed the data exchange tire – the serial interface for association of various components in the general chain of management. For management of chains developed controlers. In process of developments IT technologies there was a requirement of the organization integration in an IP network. Developed special locks. Thus at the heart of the decision all the same there was a data transmission tire, the main functionality is realized on hardware with use of the closed technologies. Control systems and BMS functionality are realized on closed ON. Integration it ON with external systems is realized through API, but ON it is all the same necessary to buy and support.

Standard scheme of application of intellectual office of PROFIOFIS

the Standard scheme of application of intellectual office of PROFIOFIS

Any other producer does not propose the uniform system solution integrating all engineering subsystems in one environment. Each producer is strong in the subject: someone realizes the decision on management of light, at someone the control system of mechanical drives, electric networks is well fulfilled. Someone realized a control system of heating. But there is no producer who could realize all subsystems where IP is the general environment of data exchange, and the functionality of management is programmed in the SOA environment.

They simply are not able to do it because years 10 did not change the ideology. To them it is favorable to customers to propose solutions on the technologies because it brings superprofit and significantly raises the price of a total cost of possession. And precisely none of them have no decision where IT networks and engineering systems are integrated.

our task – to break off this circle and to propose to the market the worthy effective solution. We consider that in ideology of management of engineering subsystems the same principles on which IT systems are under construction have to lie. We consider that time when function of the clever house or managements of engineering infrastructure of objects has to turn into IT function came. Technologies already developed to necessary level. In our decision the operating intelligent switchboards connected in optical FFTO of a ring, will organize the uniform environment for creation of an IT network and engineering systems of the building. The switchboard connects to itself the computer, will organize illumination of a workplace, operates heating, activation of access to IT resources of employees, realizes function of the disturbing button and the device of a voice communication. This switchboard as is integrated with outdated chains of management on tires of data exchange of those competitive decisions.

Possibilities of intellectual office of PROFIOFIS

of Possibility of intellectual office of PROFIOFIS

Thus, in our decision the hardware is realized only at the level of access and execution – direct connection of sources of lighting, heatings, drives and other sensors and controlers to elements of our system. Switchboards will organize a uniform IP network, and all functionality is programmed on scripts and Java.

Such approach is many times cheaper than any competitive offer, is more effective from the point of view of possession cost. It is new generation of similar systems. That USB printer from Wi-Fi and integration with cloudy appendices.

- Tell in more detail about your companies and division of infrastructure decisions 2TEST? What else solutions of own production at you are?

- Company 2TEST works more than 20 years at the market of hi-tech decisions for businesses and the state customers, but until recently we generally specialized on telecommunication decisions for maintenance of effective work of networks of data transmission. Today business 2TEST was considerably diversified, the division of infrastructure decisions became an integral part of generation of profit and the innovative driver of companies.

If to pass to the direction of infrastructure decisions, as a whole it is possible to tell so: company 2TEST determined for itself by a strategic reference point – development businesses systems for construction and management of engineering infrastructure for various sectors of economy. At the heart of our activity development of unique technological decisions on the basis of open technologies, first of all IP and open SOA of architecture lies. All our production is connected by the general concept and is integrated into various finished functional systems according to tasks of our clients. We actively work with final customers in various industries, design institutes and integrators which introduce specialized systems.

From our grocery offer I would like to allocate with

a number of novelties of the last two years which are in the greatest demand. We united them the general name – "Pro". These are industrial switchboards Profimodul and Profiplus, the universal computer system of monitoring Profiset, the independent pre-integrated module Profitsod with power from 10 to 200 KW useful IT loading, the infrastructure Profi-LORA IoT-environment and certainly, our flagman solution of PROFIOFIS. All decisions 2TEST possess unique difference – support of SOA of architecture and abstract applied level of programming.

the Hardware of our production is made by

according to our design documentation to Russian Federation, and the system and application software is realized on Linux and in the standardized environments of development of Java. It allows us to optimize flexibly our decisions under applied tasks without expensive changes.

Alexander Kukudzhanov
Main activity:Official
Technology creator:John O’Sallivan