The number of victims at a collapse of a roof of church to Nigeria increased to 160

@IA "Svopi" (SVOPI.RU)
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the Happened tragedy to Nigeria carried away lives of 160 African inhabitants. As report mass media, in one of churches Nigeria the roof together with a dome failed, having buried under itself a large number of parishioners.

The number of victims at a collapse of a roof of church increased in Nigeria to 160

on December 10, 2016 in the African Uyo which is to Nigeria, there was the tragic case having a lethal outcome for many representatives of the African population. In one of city churches, during carrying out Saturday service, the roof weighing some tons failed down.
the Fallen-off roof of church, together with a dome covered with itself all parishioners who were at this time in the room. As a result of falling nobody survived, the number of victims for this time reached 200 people. Rescuers work at a place of the tragedy, raking fragments, to find in hope under them live people.
As were reported by workers of medicine, judging from among hard wounded of which the ambulance in the nearest hospitals immediately transports, the number of victims can be much higher.

Victoria Mikhaelovna