In Riga the car at the crosswalk brought down the girl and disappeared from a scene

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In Riga the car at the crosswalk brought down the girl and disappeared from a scene
of Foto: EPA/LETA
On Friday, December 9, in Riga at the intersection of streets Laymdotas and to Bikirniyek the driver which personality is not identified yet, at the crosswalk brought down the girl of 2006 year of birth and disappeared from a scene, the State police reports.

the Road accident ( road accident ) happened about 11 o'clock in the morning. The vehicle which the unknown driver operated, also is not established yet.

the Injured girl is taken by p to hospital.

Too on Friday around 20.00 in Viļāni the car Volkswagen which the driver of 1992 year of birth operated, brought down the boy of nine years. The boy is taken to hospital.

of All for the past days there were 102 road accidents in which 12 people, including pedestrians and cyclists suffered. Victims are not present.