Dancings on a bog

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at last comes to an end with div. During it everything flied to a fire chamber of anniversary, from record harvests to anniversary of flight Gagarin Youri. Last Monday at opera theater held "The festive event devoted to summing up Year of the 80 anniversary of education Saratov region". They say that miracles happen. Therefore prior to the beginning of it "a concert with meeting elements" the hope still glimmered that end of the project becomes thinner, is more graceful also osmyslenny than those actions that occurred earlier. Alas, miracles — not for our region. As well as the whole anniversary year, a total concert passed is noisy, banal and it is senseless.

the Era of models

decided to Celebrate anniversary for some reason at the height of the working day on Monday. While the population recovered on workplaces after time conversion, the so-called elite gathered in theater.

the First musical blow fell upon everyone entering the building in a lobby where "lit" one of national ensembles. The small room so strengthened a sound what to greet with each other it was necessary to people almost shouting. But it was only the beginning.

In the theater foyer on the first floor there was an impression as if someone decided to carry out carnival morning performance in kindergarten for adults. Logically, the author inaccessible to understanding, guests welcomed a female butterfly with huge wings, the woman with a capital of a classical column (!) on the head and a pigeon in hands (at the Volsk Town — <21> Petersburg a Corner stand), a female loaf, the woman with the model of a dome of the orthodox temple (!) on the head and other curious characters. There were inevitable ladies in such cases in sundresses and kokoshniks. Possibly, someone from organizers was haunted by monasteries of founders of suits of the Brazilian carnivals, but it was necessary to compete with them on local, so to speak, to the invoice.

Along walls were placed by information stands at which as reported later the Ministry of Press, it was told about "brands of regions of area". For a persuasiveness dense forest on the first floor (and in places of the biggest foot traffic, before ladders) curbstones on which models of temples adjoined to models of the Soviet planes and engines were also established. On the second circle about an entrance to an amphitheater established models of a gagarinsky sphere of the East spaceship "VOSTOK", the trolleybus and one of strategic planes which are based in Engels. Entrances to the Blue drawing room of theater were blocked as numerous tables with drinks and snack for a buffet reception there were already built. On the third circle all wall of the foyer blocked up with bookcases on which the regional library developed an exhibition" Saratov region in a historical retrospective".

Along a ladder from the first floor on the second, decorated school students in white t-shirts with heshtegy "%23vsaratovezhit" stood balloons. Before the Blue drawing room one more group of schoolgirls — in t-shirts with the bridge image through Volga, the Saratov accordion, opera theater, conservatory and other symbols which have long ago set the teeth on edge pined waiting for the head of the region and its suite. At two girls on undershirts lamps Saratov were represented: on one — old yellow spheres which already in few places it is possible to see, and the standard products "semi-antique" which have replaced them. On a popular phonograph record in days of the late USSR the fantastic hero Dunno told p to

about music so:" The main thing — that was loud". It seemed that organizers of action adopted this phrase. On each circle of theater of guests expected separate musical collective. Sometimes there was a suspicion that all of them play at the same time. Rumbled so that people who showed stands to the governor, hardly could outvoice this noise only in a microphone.

At a view of activity which began at stands with the advent of the governor, were come by the popular variety song of last years with the words "I Will Put on All the Best at Once" back to memory. For example, when the governor with suite Saratov (with girls with lamps on undershirts) stopped examining "presentation" and there came a turn Engels district, near the spaceship model dancers in white dresses for some reason began to dance. In combination with a roar of a folk music which rushed from other floors, the Prince Vladimir locomotive model right there and other details everything convincingly kept within ordinary expression "absurdity theater".

Guard was tired

In a hall ryabilo of persons who daily appear in news of local TV channels. Everything were, from heads of federal departments to heads of religious faiths, and also leaders of areas, directors of large-scale enterprises and plants, cultural figures, teachers of higher education institutions and others "representatives of the public".

Action began p with the movie about stories Saratov region. Announcer's intonation in it made impression of the little hysterical. It, in turn, the work enclosed by a background strengthened Sviridov Georgy "Time, forward!" . Some the most known musical phrases from it are rigidly stitched in memory of many generations of citizens of the USSR, and now and Russian Federation about Commonwealth of Independent States thanks to the daily news Time program. The Soviet and Russian composers (including Saratov) in the XX century wrote huge massifs of music suitable to such case. So the choice of the play , of course, had to guard Sviridov Georgy turned into the large industrial center. ("Line to itself "remote place"! — there was a wish to tell at this moment to screenwriters of the movie. — Before revolution of 1917 Saratov was the largest grain and flour-grinding center Russian Federation, headquarters of a number of rich Volga Steam Navigations, the Imperial university, the third to Russian Federation after Saint Petersburg and Moscow conservatory and the country's first public art museum here opened. And it is called "remote place"? !" ) .

After the guard of honor solemnly took out on a scene flags Russian Federation and Saratov region, the floor was taken by the governor Valery Radayev.

its performance lasted long and reminded circulation around. The head of the region spoke about achievements in the industry, then passed to agriculture, then to children and culture, but suddenly again came back to agriculture, listing leaders and leaders, then again started speaking about plants... Who wrote the text of this speech, in press releases did not report, but there was a strong feeling that authors was a little.

Even in the speech Valery Radayev, in fact, designated convention and artificiality of 80-year anniversary as in aspiration to rely on authorities mentioned not only the Soviet figures, but also Radishchev, Stolypin and Chernyshevsky who died long before 1936 when Saratov region was formed.

Many phrases from the speech Valery Radayev deserve to be taken away on quotes. " Saratov region — a golden ratio Russian Federation. Our territory connects the North to the South, Europe to Asia" — he spoke. Achievements, progress and greatness of area made the main fabric of this performance. "In something we the first, in something only, so, unique" — the governor conjured. At this moment memory villain persistently reminded about in agony local water utilities, lack of the sewerage in the cities and districts, the motor transportation bankrupt enterprises, about Saratovgorelektrotrans to which several times a year and probably is the most often to Russian Federation threaten to cut down supply of electricity, promises to construct an outcome on the Shooter...

" Saratov — heart of Volga, and Volga — soul Russian Federation" — were poured new aphorisms by the head of the region, emphasizing that Volga should be protected, after all even the president Vladimir Putin the other day in the Message to Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation called for it. "And if the president did not tell to protect Volga, we and would not become? !" — there was a wish to specify with alarm at this moment at the governor.

Valery Radayev once again urged to lift p from a bottom "The Saratov ice breaker" and "to make it our Saratov cruiser "Aurora". About events in which this cruiser participated, still it is necessary to all of us porefleksirovat next year. And here in present with ice breaker lifting somehow did not grow together. "Money is not present" — explained to our newspaper in authorities (read in article" the Saratov ice breaker" still in more detail will lie down at the bottom ").

"Hundred years to the Covered market and the Saratov post office, 90 years to the Saratov broadcasting, 80 years to puppet theater, 55 years to the pool "Saratov" — were poured dates by the governor. He spoke about a record catch of pond fish, having praised fishermen that they "cool worked" ("Here it, the true abundance!" ) mentioned about the first in Russian Federation the law on the earth, adopted in days of a governorship Dimitri Fedorovich Ayatskov (the hall met it an applause), about available sports, investors, Year is expensive, health care and culture, that in consciousness of inhabitants of the "principle is "It's not my business" forced completely out" area as "feet conduct people to work" on horizontal bars and bars if them at last establish in the yards...

during performance Valery Radayev twice (!) the guard of honor with flags was replaced, but the governor told everything, spoke and spoke.

"Air in the city shivers — such powerful concentration of expectations at our people on one square meter" — the governor shared supervision. But not met expectations — a thing dangerous. Why in such situation the cruiser "Aurora" is necessary to us ", remained not clear.

Having stopped convincing a hall of the fine past and bright future, the head of the region began to hand over standards and anniversary signs. New names of plants, farms and surnames in this list was, alas, a little. "Familiar all faces" — "Trolz", SEPO, the regional museum of study of local lore, Dimitri Fedorovich Ayatskov, Lando Alexander, Kossovich Leonid, Shinchuk Boris, Osherov Youri etc flashed.

From an infinite bravura musical track by which distribution of awards was accompanied, the head started being turned. (Or it was legendary "dizziness"? ) . It seemed, sounds of terrible fanfares, the disturbing violoncellos, soaring-up violins and clanking plates will not stop never. While the governor handed over an anniversary sign to the former first secretary of the Saratov regional committee Murenin Konstantin, the guard of honor was once again replaced. But tireless copper pipes and rewarding started the party over again proceeded while, at last, all flags and signs did not run low.

Got stuck in a scoop

Prior to the beginning of concert part of action still had hope that stages of history of area which were not mentioned for some reason in the speech by the governor, will be reflected by means of art means and receptions. Alas, these expectations were smashed.

K numerous (more than one thousand people! ) to actors no claims are present — they showed the skill. Many ensembles and soloists were effective and convincing. But the semantic maintenance of a concert there is a wish to call "senseless and ruthless" because it was consolidated, mainly, to national songs with dancings and to extremely weak imitation even to the Soviet stylistics. Modern numbers thanks to which for some minutes it was possible to get out of the oppressive atmosphere of the deep USSR, only pointed it — in the program they could be counted on fingers of one hand. Instead of attempt to tell inhabitants Saratov region about them and about destiny of the region bad imitation the Soviet party concerts of an era of stagnation was chosen.

"Volga splashes p a wave" — rushed from loudspeakers, and screens on a scene at the very same time showed the Volga wave running on sand. If in the song there were words about the sun, in a video series showed an ascending star. Such straightforwardness among professionals long ago not in honor, but this holiday, it is necessary to understand, people affable prepared. The bridge, Volga, earing fields, the birch woods, sheaves, bread and combines during a concert on screens gave out in such concentration that by the end from them started feeling sick.

In a concert it was not made even a feeble attempt to designate such phenomenon, as "dashing the 90th". And after all to them many of those who sat that day in a hall, are obliged by the career take-off, prosperity and the capitals. Unless it is possible to throw out from memory crash of the USSR, the first cooperatives, reforms, "shuttles", the ware markets at stadiums Saratov, standing local plants, strikes, an amusing platform and in general culture of those years? Unless these supereventful years — not part of history Saratov region? As showed action, it is possible to pretend easily that all this it was not simple.

Instead of at least strokes to designate key events in 80 years, to bring to a scene of collective characters of different eras (even if to deride them), producers of a concert concentrated on total "nationality". Out of time, out of eras, out of contexts. As though after 1961 and flight Gagarin Youri in our region the 2016th came at once — with a monument to Tabakov Oleg, Eugenie Mironov and a new foot zone.

"All year we went by this day, and area — 80 years" — Valery Radayev told in the performance. So why for the whole year it was impossible to prepare performance which would cause different emotions and feelings, would knock out tears from losses and affection joint past, and not just fatigue from infinite buffoonery and the worn-out receptions? The pianist Katts Anatoly on a scene behind a grand piano, ballerinas round it and fine pictures a background — is improbable banality for 2016 which at desire in general can be apprehended as a jeer. Execution by Smetannikov Leonid songs about Gagarin Youri with photos of the astronaut and editorials of the Soviet newspapers on a background differed from its performances of 10-20-30-year prescription only quality of the video picture. Why it everything? For whom? Why?

On the main TV channels Russian Federation not the first year huge ratings hold programs with modern dances. In a TV show "Voice" actors-mentors all over the country say to participants that to execute a folk music now in the same way as it did half a century and two hundred years ago — not comme il faut. That the Russian folk music of subjects just also is great that allows infinitely perepridumyvat it and to create beautiful modern works. But all these TV-shows as though never existed. As there were no opening ceremonies also and closing of the Sochi Olympic Games when all praised Konstantin Lvovich Ernst and its team for reconsideration of the Soviet stylistics (instead of its reproduction). Local officials and production group for certain watched the Olympic Games. But on a scene of opera theater on December 5 there was no reconsideration. There were only rectilinear the 1970th. Did not suffice only dear Ilyich Leonid. By the way, the capital actor who has arrived for a holiday Oleshko Alexander who conducts show of doubles on the federal channel quite could represent it. But on such gesture the creative team too did not have courage. On spring when celebration of the 80 anniversary of area only grew, our edition wrote p with

that creation of effect of general excitement and national triumph — a task solved. But deliberate simplification of history of area and its data only to progress and records — this depreciation from which there will be no advantage (in more detail about it read in article" a pathos Trap "). by

as a result and it happened. At least, final action at theater proved it with disarming frankness. Its ingenuous and deep secondariness forces to come to a sad conclusion. That at Valery Radayev, its team and those "krieytor" which serve them, not simply big problems with ideas and ideology, and a huge hole in that place where they have to be.