The authorities Moscow region will spend 169 billion rubles for increase of own efficiency

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of the Power Moscow region will spend 169,1 billion rubles for the program "Effective Power" in 2017-2021. The program prospectus is published on a site of the Ministry of a state administration, information technologies and region communication. by

In the document it is said that from the budget of area it will be allocated with 166 billion rubles, other means have to arrive from non-budgetary sources. Respectively, annually for these purposes it will be spent about 34 billion rubles. As are noted by RBC, earlier for these purposes was allocated about 30 billion rubles a year.

As the first deputy minister of a state administration told p in conversation with the edition Moscow region Andrey Borodin. The previous such program was accepted in 2014 for a period of five years, however now the authorities decided to prolong it, having accepted the new document.

the Most part of means – 79 billion rubles — will go for service of a national debt Moscow region. By words the Minister of Finance of area of Kotyakov Anton, level of a national debt of the region by the end of 2016 will make 118 billion rubles. With 17 billion more rubles it will be allocated to municipalities with insufficient level of the income.

of 21,2 billion rubles maintenance and development of infrastructure of authorities", including purchase of cars to officials and other transportation costs will go on ", is spoken in the publication. The organization of activity of the ministries and departments will cost 14,1 billion rubles, and by 3,2 billion more rubles will be spent for personal civil servants. Nearly billion (896 million rubles) will leave on additional professional education of officials.

Anton Kotyakov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation)
Andrey Aleksandrovich Borodin
Last position: Director of Administrative department (MINTSIFRA OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION)