Dmitry Rogozin designated start date of production of Kalashnikovs in Venezuela

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Plant on production of Kalashnikovs in Venezuela which construction was suspended in 2014, will earn on full capacity in 2019, reported on Wednesday, December 7, agency information agency "RIA Novosti" with reference to the Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, supervising in the government military industrial complex.

"We plan p that in 2019 at full capacity will earn already plant on production of AK-103 machine guns and ammunition" — Dmitry Rogozin declared during the visit to Venezuela. He emphasized that problem questions which were two-three years ago, are solved. "Replaced the contractor, all equipment Russian is completely already put, that is all machines are on responsible storage" — the Deputy Prime Minister explained.

He told that the building of plant is built only half, there are no windows, doors and stable electricity. But the Venezuelan contractors which all will complete are already chosen.

Russian Federation and Venezuela signed the contract on military and technical cooperation in 2001. In 2006 the president Venezuela Chaves Ugo explained that Russian Federation will construct in the country plant on production of Kalashnikovs and factory on production of ammunition. "Rosoboronexport" and Ministry defenses of Bolivarian Republic Venezuela signed the agreement for the sum of 1,1 billion rubles about construction of plant on release of 25 000 machine guns annually

Construction of two plants on production of Kalashnikovs in Venezuela it was suspended in 2014. Then Dmitry Rogozin reported about taking place "strange failures».

In August, 2016 Lefortovsky district court of Moscow began consideration of criminal case of the former senator from Belgorod region, ex-general directors of the Stroyinvestinzhiniring SU-848 company Popelnyukhov Sergei. Him accuse of plunder of 1 billion rubles at construction in Venezuela plants on production of Kalashnikova machine guns.

According to the investigators, from February, 2010 to June, 2011 it as a part of the organized group stole more than 1 billion rubles from the funds "Rosoboronexport" allocated for construction in Venezuela of plants on license production of AK-103 machine guns and cartridges to them.

the AK-103 Machine gun represents the export AK-74M version under the 7,62-mm cartridge of the Soviet sample.