The daughter of the deputy arranged abusive road dismantling in Yekaterinburg

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The daughter of the deputy arranged abusive road dismantling in Yekaterinburg

D och the deputy of Kushvinsky City Council Kambaratov Alexander, 33-year-old Kambaratova Marina Made scandal on road in Yekaterinburg. Video from the registrar was published on YouTube video hosting by the opponent of the woman.


About it reports on Tuesday of independent online newspaper "ZNAK.COM"

according to the man, it was struck by mentality of this nature, threat in his address and infliction of harm of its private property. The motorist admitted that he very much wanted to answer the woman, having used physical force, however he restrained. The victim simply provided video with incorrect behavior of the woman to attention of the general public and suggested users to discuss the incident.

the Video shows

as the man is going to stop by in the house No. 75 yard down the street Sheynkmana, however to it towards from a parking Mercedes leave. At a wheel – madam Kambaratova Marina.

according to the driver, the woman by rules traffic regulations had to pass his car under a barrier and quietly leave from the yard, however that decided that it and the car standing behind it 20 meters directly have to come out to the carriageway the back. Because of this conflict participants traffics started quarreling.

the Furious motorist approached

to the car of the author of a roller and, using obscene abuse started demanding that that drove off. Besides, the woman started threatening it, having promised that her protection "will burn its and its bucket". After that it dispersed and began to kick the car. The man after all conceded to "lady" and drove off.

Author: Komkova Veronica