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at Shakti Terrace restaurant took place On the First of December, 2016 a ceremony of rewarding of an annual award in the field of Farmatsiya and medicine – Russian Pharma Awards 2016. As the main organizer of an award the world's largest social network for doctors "The doctor made a speech at work" in which for the last month passed anonymous vote of practicing experts. Today in a professional network more than half a million doctors the most active of which took part in definition of the best medicines from this or that direction Farmatsiya is registered.

this year the advisory council made the digest of the nominations in 5 years of existence of an award, in each of which not less than three manufacturing companies were presented, but the right to be called the best in 2016 acquired:
1. Choice preparation at diabetes 2 types – Glyukofazh ® (Merck)
2. Choice preparation among anticoagulants of new generation – Ksarelto ® (Bayer)
3. Choice preparation at virus hepatitis C – Pegasis® (F.Hoffmann-La Roche)
4. Choice preparation for controls level of cholesterol in blood – Kreskor® (AstraZeneca)
5. Choice preparation among antihistaminic means – Erius® (Bayer)
6. Choice preparation among energizers in somatic practice – Amitriptilin-Grindeks® (Grindeks)
7. Innovative preparation of a choice at rheumatoid arthritis – Yakvinus® (Pfizer) and Humir (Abbvie) ®
8. Innovative preparation of a choice at schizophrenia – Zeldoks® (Pfizer)
9. Choice preparation at a syndrome of "a dry eye" – Vizin® (Johnson%26Johnson)
10. Preparation of a choice of therapy of arterial hypertension from group a beta — blockers – Konkor® (Takeda)
11. Nonsteroid preparation of a choice at strained therapy of atopic dermatitis – Elokom® (MSD)
12. Innovative preparation of a choice at epilepsy and at pains of a neyropatichesky etiology – Depakin® (Sanofi)
13. Choice preparation among the combined proofreaders of a metabolism of bone and hryashchevy fabric – Terafleks® (Bayer)
14. Choice preparation at long treatment of endometriosis – Vizanna® (Bayer)
15. The most effective antibacterial preparation at infections of the bottom airways – Sumamed® (Teva)
16. Innovative combination of two antigipertenzivny and one gipolipidemichesky preparations in one capsule for decrease in cardiovascular risk – Ekvamer® (Gedeon Richter)
17. Immunodulyator of a choice during the sharp period of a respiratory infection at often ill children – Polioksidoniy® (Petrovaks)
18. The most appointed preparation at the raised level of uric acid – Allopurinol® (Organic chemistry)
19. Choice preparation from Antineoplastic Means-monoklinalnye of an Antibody group – Kadsila® (F.Hoffmann-La Roche)
20. The most appointed preparation at prevention and ORVI and flu treatment – Kagotsel® (NIARMEDIK)
21. The best medical representative – Gedeon Richter
22. Company years – Bayer
23. The best media project according to doctors on "The doctor at work":
Ksarelto® – "StopTramboz! "
Kavinton® Comfort – "The territory of a happy brain"
Dolfin® – "Health VS cold! "


Thanks to objective opinion of experts, the award Russian Pharma Awards over the last 5 years allows to estimate efficiency of pharmaceutical preparations better, than somebody: "For us recognition of experts is extremely important, after all they can inform to the end user the most important information only", Burtsevich Helena, the specialist in public relations of companies notes "NIARMEDIK". In 5 years of existence of Russian Pharma Awards more than 240 awards in 88 nominations were handed over to br. This year the award took place with support of the largest pharmaceutical companies, such as Rikhter Gedeon, Teva, Petrovaks and Niarmedik. the Award Russian Pharma Awards proved br, as independent procedure of a choice of the best medical preparations from the point of view of practicing doctors without which opinion it is impossible to present successful development pharmaceutical markets. Kozlova Olga, the senior brand manager of the preparation "Sumamed" of Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd confirms it: "The award is very significant for all farmindustriya because it lets unique opportunity know, what preparations are chosen by our doctors, for what they vote heart and soul".
the Reference
LLC "Doktor na rabote" — a Russian-speaking social network for doctors and druggists. At present totals more than 500 thousand users, that is 60% of all Russian doctors.