Far East distanced from play-off

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. Having conceded in Vladivostok 1:2, Public joint-stock company "Severstal" in Shanghai could not answer two washers passed from "Kunlunya", game in Khabarovsk too did not bring points.

a Losing series Public joint-stock company "Severstal" reached ten matches. The sad record of last season is not broken, but the team Gulyavtsev Alexander steadily comes nearer to it. A Far East series again showed that residents of Cherepovets can play as equals with rivals of a different class, but the result does not come. Certainly, injuries of leading forwards affected a play of the team and, as a result, destruction of affected links. In three games our team threw only three washers.

— Three washers on twelve forwards — it is not enough p — the head coach stated after end of an exit series Public joint-stock company "Severstal" Gulyavtsev Alexander.

the Saturday trip to China, the first in the history of Public joint-stock company "Severstal" ("Kuenlun Shan" — the recruit of KHL), turned back zero defeat for residents of Cherepovets. Thirty two minutes of a penalty were received by guests in a match that indirectly became the defeat reason. The Chinese team (it is made mainly of Finns and Russians) threw both washers in equal structures, but need to defend in minority took away from residents of Cherepovets of force and time which could be spent for reciprocal attacks.

during departure the club doctor Vinnikov Sergei told p to journalists of a site of SANO "XK "Severstal" that the team fights against difficulties of acclimatization and change of time zones so: accurately follows the mode made Moscow time. From here night trainings, both dinners early in the morning, and day dream.

— Food we control p — we try to do less carbohydrate loading, we place emphasis on proteins and a drinking mode — the doctor told. — Completely we clean from a diet of coffee and the aerated drinks that the nervous system had a rest.

by words Vinnikov Sergei, the most unlucky days dropped out on stay of team in Khabarovsk.

the Match against "Cupid" really turned out difficult. Really hockey players managed "to drive" in game Public joint-stock company "Severstal" only at the score 3:0 in favor of owners. Players of "Cupid" opened the account in the middle of the first period then there came goal calm. At the beginning of the third 20 minutes owners threw two washers with an interval in few minutes, and before Cherepovets club there was a threat to finish a series on a devastating note.

Here Public joint-stock company "Severstal" also blew up, having proved that is capable of the bigger. Two washers thrown within one and a half minutes, it is possible to call funny and fantastic. The first goal in minority was scored by the forward Magogin Igor who not for nothing rode in the middle of a platform, without departing back. Partners intercepted a washer and threw Magogin Igor to others gate, and it literally drove a shell in a grid. And the second washer the forward sent a distant throw to the top corner Public joint-stock company "Severstal" Karlene Ruslan, closed the attack begun by the goalkeeper by Kovarzh Yakub (it even wrote down in the protocol the assistant).

Unfortunately, and in Khabarovsk in "Severstal" game Public joint-stock company "Severstal" showed an old problem — removals from scratch. They disturbed team in the first two periods, and the 10-minute penalty received by the forward Public joint-stock company "Severstal" by Radulov Igor in an ending of a match, actually gave up as a bad job chances to rescue game. Residents of Khabarovsk threw the fourth washer in unison with a final siren when guests replaced the goalkeeper with the sixth field player.

Public joint-stock company "Severstal" takes a penultimate, 13th place in the table of the Western conference, lag of our command from the eight of applicants for an exit in a playoffs grew to terrifying 17 points. Residents of Cherepovets will continue the championship of the last in leaving calendar year a house series which starts on Thursday, December 8, a match with Yaroslavl "Locomotive". After that the team twice (with an interval in one and a half weeks) will meet "Hero" situated near Moscow.

Vinogradov Sergei