Baltic solidarity: Lithuania will look for oil to Latvia

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Latvia tries to rescue the oil and gas branch, in particular at the expense of Lithuania

Latvia allowed Lithuania to carry out geological exploration and oil production in the two volosts. On Tuesday, November 29, Government of the Republic of Latvia allowed the Lithuanian Geobaltic to hold the relevant events in the Lazhsky volost Municipality of Aizpute and in the Gudeniyeksky volost Municipality of Kuldiga. About it today, on November 30, writes


As declared in the government, the draft of the order is prepared on the basis of the statement of September of the current year of Geobaltic. This Lithuanian company suggested to place a license platform in two Latvian volosts into the square in 185,17 hectares. Following the results of geolorazvedochny works it will become clear, whether it will be favorable to extract black gold in these regions. If the Lithuanian company successfully realizes the project, it can promote development to production of hydrocarbons in the territory Latvia.

in May of the current year the Lithuanian Geobaltic submitted p an application to the ministry economically Latvia for obtaining the license for investigation of deposits and production of hydrocarbons in Yanyasetas, Kalei, Samantas and Ozolvalki. The sites of a subsoil included in the demand are a part of the Kuldigsky field. This only field in the country, opened in 1963. According to estimates of experts, stocks of hydrocarbons here are estimated at 0,77 million cubic meter of hydrocarbons, from them it is possible to extract only about 150 thousand cubic meter. Other attempts of search of oil to Latvia ended unsuccessfully.


at the beginning of September of the current year information agency "REGNUM" reported that the Lithuanian company Geobaltic declared that plans to Latvia to obtain the license to study possibilities of search in Municipality of Kuldiga hydrocarbons, generally oil. we Will remind p to

that the authorities Latvia in December, 2015 approved rules of search, investigation, and production of hydrocarbons. According to these documents, the license for search is not exclusive, and it can be received without competition. And here the right for investigation and production is provided in an exclusive order. Also on one license platform only one license for investigation and production of hydrocarbons can be granted.

B to most Lithuania recently oil production volumes because of resource depletion of the reconnoitered fields steadily fall. So, in the first half of 2016 petroproduction volumes in the country made 39,7 thousand cubic meter that is 16% less in comparison with the previous indicator. Therefore to stop a tendency, it is necessary to put big investments into oil and gas branch, in particular in investigation of new oil fields on new license sites of a subsoil on land and in the water area of the Baltic Sea. In the conditions of low prices of oil it is especially actual, but at the same time and it is difficult.