More than 1,6 thousand delegates were collected by "The Russian forum of marketing-2016"

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Russian forum of marketing-2016. Photo: the event is provided organizatorami
Kultovoye professionals in the field of marketing, owners of and top managers

on November 30, information agency "IrkutskMedia". the Cult event for professionals in the field of marketing, and top managers "the Russian Forum of Marketing 2016" took place owners of from November 23 to November 26. Four years in a row the Prime Time Forums company holds large events to Russian Federation and Commonwealth of Independent States. This year the number of delegates made 1624. Also there passed a live broadcast worldwide, reports information agency "IrkutskMedia".

"the Russian Forum of Marketing 2016" in figures:

  • 350%2B of information partners;
  • of 1624 participants (businessmen and professionals more than from 20 countries of the world);
  • 3 days of continuous online translation;
  • of 50 conducting international business coaches;
  • of 18 photographers and the video counts working at a platform.

On one platform experts of world level, 50 TOP SPEAKERS met: Marinovich Vladimir (GetTaxi, Vverkh business school), Manikhin Aleksey (the founder of Prime Time Forums), Potashev Maxime (the partner of R%26P Consulting agency), Mann Igor (the co-founder of publishing house" Mann Igor, Ivanov and Ferber"), Koro Nikolas (the member of council of guild of marketing specialists Russian Federation, the honourable president of Academy of modern training "RENAISSANCE"), Balakhnin Ilya (the director general of Paper Planes), Chernyshev Mikhail (the marketing director" social network "VKontakte""), Levitas Alex (the independent business consultant and the business coach), Larin Igor (the marketing director of solutions of IBM), Kolotilov Eugenie (the business coach on sales to Russian Federation), Sidorin Dimitri (head of <0> Group "Sidorin Lab" ) Osovitskaya Nina (expert in HR branding of Group of companies HeadHunter), Valinurov Ilgiz (president of corporation of recruitment agencies of Business Connection), Basha Oleg (director general of GetResponse), Daniel Partner (managing partner of InetPartners), Perunov Dimitri (ex-head of marketing of LLC "TO KORAL TRAVEL CENTRE"), Knyazev Sergei (owner and general producer of Knyazev event-holding) and others.

the Prime Time Forums Company gives to p opportunity to get videos from "the Russian Forum of Marketing 2016". Be registered according to the reference: .

Russian forum of marketing-2016

Russian forum of marketing-2016. Photo: it is provided by organizers

"the Russian Forum of Marketing 2016" passed with support more than 350 partners, among which: news agency" information agency "ITAR-TASS"", information information agency "Interfaks" ", arguments and facts",,, radio, Internet project, portal, weekly business magazine "Kompaniya", 2GIS, portal "", publishing houses "Alpina Pablisher", "St. Petersburg", "Mann Igor, Ivanov and Ferber", "Epicure", dealer center Toyota Yaroslavl,, Red Bull, New newspaper,,, magazine Profi Travel,, partner of VIP-day of and others.

Participants agreed in opinion that "the Russian Forum of Marketing 2016" became the main business event of fall of 2016 for serious players of the market.

Ksenia Samotkan, marketing specialist, Texterra company:

"Invaluable experience of leading marketing specialists and businessmen Russian Federation, new knowledge, successful people around, the drive and a spark with which you are loaded from speakers, – all this led me to a set insaytov and ideas, both in the marketing sphere, and in life. Thanks of RFM and "Teksterre" for this opportunity! "

Roman Nitsyk, Teleporter company:

"The forum %23rmforum2016 ended with strong with p. Thanks, Manikhin Aleksey, for the qualitative organization, the best speakers and clever gifts. We go home, we continue to develop, and at once found the quote applicable both to a forum, and to life:" The devil is covered in trifles".

Zaytseva Olga, marketing specialist:

"Insaytov though take away. As the puzzle in the head develops the picture of how I want to work and what to do. And answers to all so simple questions and ingenious: love, sincerity, openness, naturalness – the main tendencies of marketing. As in any good movie – the love will save the world".

to Look at bright photos and video from last action it is possible on social networks: ,

Yesli you passed this event, still there is a chance to make up for lost time! Receive all videos from the main autumn action for advertizing, PR of %26 Digital — "The Russian Forum of Marketing 2016".

to Receive video:

Mikhail Chernyshev
Last position: The marketing director in Team of VKontakte
Igor Borisovich Mann
Last position: Co-owner (LLC "MANN, IVANOV I FERBER")
Dmitry Sidorin
Last position: The managing director - the individual entrepreneur (LLC "LIMUR")
Marinovich Vladimir
Manikhin Aleksey
LLC "SuperDzhob"
Main activity:Communication and IT
Main activity:Communication and IT
Main activity:Health care and social services
Main activity:Communication and IT